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Beloved Enemy joined Starquest and Children of the Mist to continue the Destiny Trilogy and I'm thrilled to announce was shortlisted for the R.N.A. RoNA Awards 2017, awarded 2nd Runner up in the RONE Awards 2017 and was the winner in the SF/Fantasy category of the 'Best Banter Contest'.

Sunday 19 May 2024

Exciting News - and another Welsh legend

 Hello dear readers

First of all, I'm very excited to announce that I have recently signed a new contract with The Wild Rose Press. This latest book is not my usual Science Fiction Romance, but a fantasy romance called 'The Matchmaker's Mare." It's set in my native Wales and the male protagonist is a horse trainer (who coincidentally enjoys re-telling Welsh legends!) More about this story in future weeks, but this is my idea of the mare of the title (she's rather feisty, and not entirely what she seems.

Back to Welsh legends. Another mythical creature for you this week - and another dragon. Many dragons in fiction are noble, friendly creatures, not so much the one in this legend - here is the tale of the dragon of Penmynydd:


Top 50 HD Dragon Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds, Desktop Wallpapers (High  Quality) | Dragones reales, Dragones, Dragón de fantasía

Not far from the manor farm of Penhesgyn, near Penmynydd on the island of Anglesey,  a dragon dwelt on the banks of the river Braint. A soothsayer in the area foretold that the heir to the manor would be killed by the dragon. Hoping to keep him safe, the lord of the manor sent the boy away to England. For several years the young man stayed far away from Wales in the safety of England.  Eventually a brave local lad slew the dragon by putting a polished cauldron in the bottom of a pit.

(The River Braint)Seeing its own reflection. and believing it to be a rival, the dragon fought the reflection it until it was exhausted, whereupon the youth killed the dragon and, amid much rejoicing, the locals buried the creature  in the pit. Thinking all was well, and elated by his new freedom to return to his homeland, the heir came back to the manor,  but insisted on seeing the body of the dragon. As soon as the carcass was exhumed, the he kicked the head of the dragon which had caused his exile, but one of the dragon's poisonous fangs penetrated his boot and went into his foot, killing him instantly. Thus the prophecy was fulfilled.


(Me thinks he should have been a lot more careful and not tried to take his revenge on the poor, dead creature!) 

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Monday 6 May 2024

Welsh Legends - The Tylwyth Teg and a May Day story

Hello dear readers! I hope you had a great Starwars Day (May the 4th 😊) Today I'm going to tell you about the Welsh faeries, Y Tylwyth Teg (Pronounced 'er-tulwith teg')

According to Welsh folklore, fairies would ride Corgis into battle ...Known  by the native Welsh people as “Y Tylwyth Teg” (“the fair folk”) Welsh faeries typically live in lakes or streams and sometimes in the hollows of hills. The are said to ride on Welsh Corgis, or to use them to draw little cart. (Corgis were traditionally used as cattle herding dogs by Welsh farmers, and the original two corgis were said to have been given to two human children by the TylwythTeg.)

Welsh faery-lore is believed to be closely related to the legend of King Arthur and Guinevere; some believe her abduction by Arthur was abduction by the faeries – of whom Arthur was King.

The magical entities are said to resemble outstandingly beautiful humans, with blue eyes and blonde-white hair. Smaller fairies are normally more virtuous and kindly- the taller fairies tending to be more mischievous and dishonest.

Usually they dress in green, but the courtiers of the Welsh Fairy King Gwyn ap Nudd are described as being adorned in blue/red silk. In Welsh folklore faery interactions with humans feature quite heavily and kind and mindful mortals are typically rewarded with magic and the anyone found to be greedy or spiteful would be harshly punished.

There are various tales of humans being trapped in the fairy realm and the intermarriage between faeries and humans. The most famous faery tale is that of a beautiful young Cardiganshire (or Ceredigion - my home country) a woman called Shuï Rhys, who allegedly went away with Y Tylwyth Teg and never returned.

She was the daughter of  poor farmer,  and one of her duties was to drive up the cows to the milking parlour.   She would often loiter  to pick flowers, or chase the butterflies, which caused her mother to scold her sharply. One night Shuï did not come home until bed-time, leaving the cows to care for themselves. Dame Rhys was furious but the girl told her it was the fault of the Tylwyth Teg. She  said they were little men in green coats, who danced around her and made music on their tiny harps. Her mother believed the tale because it was well known that the Tylwyth Teg inhabited the woods in Cardiganshire.  Many times after that Shuï was late coming home,  but her mother stopped scolding her, for fear of offending the faery folk.

One night Shuï did not come home at all, and although the family and friends searched the woods, she was never seen again. Her mother watched in the field on the three nights of the year when goblins are sure to be out and about, but Shuï never returned.

Another story concerns Llyn Cwm Llwch, a small Welsh lake that is situated in the Brecon Beacons of Powys. It is associated with some rather strange legends and folklore. One relates the story of the Tylwyth Teg and an invisible island. According to local legend, the lake was the abode of the
Tylwyth Teg, or the Fair Folk, who had a garden on an invisible island in the lake. On May Day every year, it was said a doorway would appear in a rock by the lakeside. Those humans who were brave enough could pass through it into a passage, which would take them into an enchanted garden situated on the island in the lake. Although visitors to the island could clearly see the shores of the lake, the island and the garden were not visible from the lake’s shore.

Those who ventured through the door and down the passage entered into a wonderful land with gorgeous flowers of the most beautiful colours and intoxicating scents. 

In this glorious setting, the Tylwyth Teg provided their guests by with food and drink unlike anything to be found on Earth. Then they entertained them with songs, music, and amazing stories. All the Tylwyth Teg asked of their guests was that they should not take with them a single item from the island or garden when they returned to the land of mortals.

However, humans have short memories while the  Tylwyth Teg never forget. There had never been a single transgression of this rule since the time when they first opened the door. But one day, one irresponsible and ungrateful guest decide he wanted something more than just a memory of his
wonderful time upon the island. He picked a beautiful flower which had never been seen in the mortal world, and hid it in the inside of his jacket pocket. The second he stopped out of the door and placed his foot on earth, his senses all left him. He fell to walking round backwards in circles and talking nonsense, and lost all ability to reason, and eventually dropped down dead.

The Tylwyth Teg took leave of their guests with their usual good manners and courtesy. However, the following May Day the door did not appear. Nor was it seen again in the years that followed. and to this day, the door to the enchanted garden on the island of the Tylwyth Teg has never appeared again.

I hope you are enjoying these Welsh myths and legends. I have to confess I have a reason for posting them and I'm quite excited - watch this space!

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Sunday 28 April 2024

Welsh Myths and Legends - The Afanc

Llyn Afanc is a lake near the village of Bettws y Coed (Translation 'Prayer House In The Wood) in the Snowdonia National Park and is named after the legendary 'Afanc' (pronounced Ahvank)

A lake monster from Welsh mythology, the afanc can also be traced through references in British Celtic folklore, and has been linked to various other places in Wales.

The demonic creature was variously said to look like a crocodile, giant beaver or dwarf, and to attack and devour anyone who entered its waters.

There are many variations of the legend, including one which has the monster dwelling at Aberdyfi, and of King Arthur slaying the monster on the shores of Llyn Barfog (the Bearded Lake)  Near Llyn Barfog is a rock with a hoof print carved into it, along with the words Carn March Arthur (stone of Arthur's mare), supposedly made by the horse when Arthur lassoed the afanc with a magical chain and his steed, Llamrai, dragged it from the deep. Another legend says many men had tried to kill the monster but its thick hide was impervious to sword or arrow. The wise men of the valley decided  if force wouldn’t work, then the Afanc must somehow be enticed out of his pool and removed to a lake far away beyond the mountains, where he could cause no further trouble. The lake chosen to be the Afanc’s new home was Llyn Ffynnon Las, under the  shadow of Mount Snowdon.
  Afanc by Elle Wilson 
Courtesy of Elle Wilson
The blacksmith  forged strong iron chains  to bind and secure the Afanc.  There was still the problem of how to entice the monster from the lake. It appears that the Afanc, like many other monsters, was rather partial to beautiful young women, and the brave daughter of a local farmer volunteered for the task. She approached the Afanc's lake while her father and the rest of the men remained hidden a short distance away. Standing on the shore she called softly to him,and when he surfaced sang him a soft Welsh lullaby. So sweet was the song that the Afanc slowly fell asleep.

The men leapt from their hiding places, and with a team of mighty oxen dragged the creature to Llyn Ffynnon Las. There the chains of the Afanc were loosed, and with a roar, the monster leapt  into the deep water, where it is said, he remains to this day, unable to escape to wreak havoc because of the steep rocky banks of the lake.

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Tuesday 23 April 2024

Hollyhock farm - Spotlight and Review

I'm delighted to feature this book on its release day, today. First of all, let's find out a bit more about the book and then I'll give you my thoughts in my review.

Welcome to Hollyhock Farm

Set sail for the idyllic island of Jersey in this gorgeous new romance, perfect for fans of Rachael Lucas and Phillipa Ashley...

When Lettie’s parents call her and her brother back to Hollyhock Farm on the island of Jersey, the last thing they expect to be told is that their childhood home is up for sale. Following a health scare, their father needs to take a step back, and the sale of the land and business to their uncle, they are told, is all but done.

Back on the island, with its rolling hills and golden sands, Lettie immediately remembers what it feels like to breath in the fresh air in the green fields, and be part of this tight-knit community – a far cry from the life of events and high fashion she leads in London.
But she surprises even herself when she suggests that she instead could take over Hollyhock farm. Humouring her, her father agrees to give her a three month trial, and Lettie is determined to prove she’s up to the task.

But the summer season is no easy feat for a new farmer, and Lettie has a huge task ahead of her. And when an old flame reappears in the form of dashing local vet Brodie, Holly’s summer is about to get even more complicated…


This is an enjoyable and easy read. I liked the character of Lettie and her determination to keep the family farm, despite the new learning curve and the work that was even harder than she had anticipated. Brodie is very charismatic too, and after some initial misunderstandings they were obviously destined to be tgether. The animals were delightful, especially the dogs, Thistle (I must admit I prefer that name to Derek) and Spud.

The author's love of the island of Jersey is obvious, the descriptions enable one to see the scenery through Lettie's eyes and to hear the sea and envisage the sandy beach as she and Brodie and their dogs walk along it.

An ideal summer read, especially if you like animals and the countryside. My only criticism is that it ended too soon, I fully expected there to be another chapter, but that is not to say that it wasn't a satisfying ending, I just wanted more!

Author Bio – 
Georgina Troy writes bestselling uplifting romantic escapes and sets her novels on the island of Jersey, where she was born and has lived for most of her life. She has done a twelve-book deal with Boldwood, including backlist titles, and the first book in her Sunshine Island series was published in May 2022.

Social Media Links 
Bookbub profile: Georgina Troy Books - BookBub

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Dahut's transformation into a Morgen (Welsh legends)

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The Morgen is one of a race of creatures with origins in British and Welsh mythology. In particular, accounts exist where Morgens would be adopted by fishermen as infants, only to grow up and leave their adoptive foster-parent behind for their true home under the sea.

The Morgens are evil creatures, using their hypnotic voices to lure sailors to a watery grave, while singing and combing their hair. Those unfortunate enough to get close to a Morgen would be dragged underwater, never to be seen again. They are also able to cast powerful spells and created floods that destroyed harvests and villages. (Very similar to the mythical sirens)

Not to mention, some women are even recorded as having turned into Morgens. Such was the case with Princess Dahut, daughter of Gradlon and Malgven. (although this is a Breton legend rather than a purely Welsh one - but still with Celtic origins.)

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A magician and a mischief-maker, Dahut not only caused her family's kingdom  to descend into sin and debauchery, but once while her father was drunk, she stole his key to the kingdom's dam. As the floodgates burst open, and proceeded to sweep the kingdom away, King Gradlon woke up from his slumber, and took off on his magical steed to save her.

Unfortunately, Dahut either fell or threw herself of the horse and the current of oncoming waves  proved too strong; Gradlon's efforts were in vain and Dahut was carried out to sea, but not before being transformed somehow (by her own magic, or as some divine/infernal punishment for her sinful ways) into a Morgen.

On that slightly soulful note, I'll say goodbye for now, but tune in tomorrow for a spotlight and review of another of my fellow UK author's latest release.

   (Oh I have been busy this week haven't I! This blog is becoming a bit like a London bus - first there's nothing for a while, then you get three at once!😄)


For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Monday 22 April 2024

A Cure for Spring Fever - Spotlight and #Giveaway

Happy Monday folks. Usually on a Monday I post a myth or legend connected to my native Wales but today, to celebrate the release of fellow Wild Rose Press author Barbara Robinson's book 'A Cure for Spring Fever,' I'm featuring this instead. I've just purchased it and am really looking forward to reading it, sounds like a wonderful read! (If you are following my Welsh Myths and Legends I'll feature another one on Tuesday this week.)

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

For centuries, Gamekeepers have used their magical abilities to create a buffer between the creatures who dwell in the enchanted forest and the sleepy coastal town that sits in its shadow. When Gamekeeper Stan Ross’s magic begins to fail, he must find out what went wrong, then fix it before the two worlds collide. His hit or miss magic has already led to a few close calls so he journeys to the Sacred Isle searching for answers and advice. Finding a cure proves elusive—until Stan encounters a kitchen witch who captivates him body and soul. Lynnette Peters is healing from her own wounds, however, and it isn’t clear whether she’s ready to open herself to the possibility—or the peril—of love.

Read an Excerpt

I’m not sick, sir” Stan answered, uncomfortable with where the conversation was heading. He swallowed, then cleared his throat. “I haven’t changed the way I cast a ward. My magic is elemental, so I rely on nature runes, overlaid with those representing broader concepts. I might choose an animal rune, or a rune representing a natural element. It depends on the creature I’m warding, and what its habits are. Once I have the base rune, I add on layers, and then finish it with something representing strength or luck. I guess I’m in a bit of a rut. My magic is feeling tired, lately. When it works, it doesn’t have the same staying power, and sometimes it just doesn’t work at all.”

Tapping his fingers on the desk, Covington regarded Stan with sympathy, then nodded. “You’re certainly not the first gamekeeper to hit a rut, and you won’t be the last. I think that a little bit of rest and relaxation is what’s needed here. I am going to suggest—no, I’m going to insist—that you take some time off and recharge your batteries. Meanwhile, I’ll give some thought to damage control."

Stan dipped his head in acknowledgment, but his posture was rigid as he exited the office. Finding his partner in the break room, Stan told him that Covington was taking him off the duty roster, and insisting he take some leave. “I don’t know, Owen” he said, picking dust off his sleeve and shaking his head. “I haven’t taken any vacation time in over a year, so maybe Covington has a point, but I feel like I’m more than just tired. I’m soul tired. I’m not sure that a week on my sofa with daytime TV and a tray of bonbons is going to fix anything.”

About the Author: Barbara Robinson is an author of contemporary and historical romance set against a backdrop of magical realism. She is a deep thinker and tea drinker who finds inspiration in myths and folktales, poems and ballads, and academic writing on a variety of subjects. Diagnosed with autism and giftedness as an adult, she enjoys exploring themes of neurodiversity and opposing character perspectives in her writing.

She is an avid gardener and lover of nature who works out plot lines and character sketches while nurturing her garden, walking in the woods, or sitting by the shoreline watching waves. She is known for world building that features rich and immersive detail, supported by meticulous research and careful observation.

Barbara lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, in the shadow of ancient mountains that lie along the Bay of Fundy coast. These rugged vistas shape her story settings, while providing the perfect backdrop for life with her husband, her hounds and her dragon (Pogona Vitticeps). She has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of King’s College and a Master of Arts at Dalhousie University, and she recently completed a Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing from the Humber School for Writers (Humber College, Toronto).



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