Hi fellow Snippeteers and readers. Welcome to my Weekend Warriors post. I'm continuing this week with another snippet from my fantasy novella, Dancing With Fate. Thank you to everyone who's been following my snippets so far. Don't forget to visit the other authors at the link above and also below this post, there's something for all tastes.
Last time:
Terpsichore, muse of dance, was given a new mission by Apollo, to restore joy and the love of dancing to the Celts of 5th Century Wales. Now she has completed her task and looks forward to returning toOlympus, but then her annoying brother turns up, trying to get her to drink his wine. Eventually she persuades him to leave.
(As usual, some creative editing of punctuation and slight variation from published version to comply with 10 sentence rule)
Terpsichore, muse of dance, was given a new mission by Apollo, to restore joy and the love of dancing to the Celts of 5th Century Wales. Now she has completed her task and looks forward to returning to
(As usual, some creative editing of punctuation and slight variation from published version to comply with 10 sentence rule)
He lurched unsteadily to his feet, causing one of his Maenads to loose her hold on him, and fall over, giggling. He grabbed her arm and moments later they all disappeared like mist in the heat of a summer's day.

To Hades with her demented half-brother. The more she thought about it, the more the allure of the water drew her to it, she should never have taken that wine—not even a sip, who knew what enchantment he'd put in it?
She shrugged,what was she thinking, she was her own goddess, wasn't she? If she wanted to bathe, she would, she certainly didn't need any charmed wine to make her decisions for her.
She shrugged,what was she thinking, she was her own goddess, wasn't she? If she wanted to bathe, she would, she certainly didn't need any charmed wine to make her decisions for her.
In an instant, her Celtic clothing melted away, she laid her lyre against a friendly tree trunk and ran beneath the curtain of water cascading over the cliff face. She stood, waist deep in the shallows of the pool and let the water rush over her. The cold crystal clear liquid invigorated her, she felt the life force of the spring flow around and through her, the molecules that composed it, the tiny life forms unseen. This was her element and she rejoiced in it.
Terpsichore and Myrddin face a deadly force that threatens to part them forever. Is she destined to lose the only man she has ever truly loved? Is there nothing she can do to save him? Finally, when all seems lost, in desperation she finds herself DANCING WITH FATE.
Don't forget to visit the talented authors who are also taking part in 'Sunday Snippets'
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