The Legend of Raie'Chaelia Trilogy is just about complete and Melissa Douthit wants to share it with YA/Fantasy Lovers.
Publisher: Couronne Press (August 1, 2013)
Series: Legend of the Raie'Chaelia, Book Three
Category: YA Fantasy, Futuristic Fantasy, Fantasy
Tour Date: Mid October-November
Available in: ebook, 300 Pages
After the fall from the Maaldan cliff, Chalice is reunited with her friends on a journey that takes them to the coastline of Ielieria. Little do Vlaad and his Fierain know what is in store for them as, bit by bit, their plans are thwarted by this blond-haired, blue-eyed beauty.
The small band of rebels then travels across the Realm, preparing it for war, while Chalice herself is brewing plans of her own that may just land her in the hot seat. What will happen when she returns her father to the throne? What will happen when he finds out what she has done? And ... what will happen once Dar'Maalda learns of the rebels' location?
In the third and final novel of the trilogy, The Legend of the Raie'Chaelia, you find out. It is a dramatic finish to an epic story of action, adventure, betrayal, forgiveness and love.

I work a lot.
I like wine way too much.
And I grew up on a ranch with horses.
HL: Well I'm not too surprised by the first two, and I'm really envious of the third fact about you. I love horses and always dreamed of having a horse ranch. One of the reasons I've enjoyed yur books so much is that as well as wonderful human characters, Banner, Sunny and Nipha are such lovely horse characters. So what do you do for fun when not writing?
I like to cook while listening to audiobooks while my Coonhound lays nearby hoping to get a morsel, which he usually does. :) I also like to swim during the summer and ski during the winter.
HL: Sounds good. When did you start writing?
I started writing in high school. Then I stopped when I went to college. I just recently started writing again in 2007.
HL: So what comes first: the plot or the characters?
The characters. Once they are in place and the setting established, they make the plot. I’m a discovery writer. Much of the story surprises me as I go along and it grows with the telling.
HL: I'm glad you said that - I'm exactly the same and love it whe my characters dictate the plot. Tell us about your latest release and what you think readers will enjoy about it.
The Return is the third book of the trilogy, The Legend of the Raie’Chaelia. In it, Chalice finishes what she started and really pushes the envelope to the point where she finds herself in hot water. Even though I knew where and how the story would end, it was interesting to see where the characters led me. Some of the events that happen in book three were as much a surprise to me as they are to the reader. The Return really is my favorite book of the whole trilogy because so much happens in it. All the burning questions get answered, the mysteries get solved, and the big reveal at the end ties everything back to the very beginning of the first book. This what I think readers will like.
HL: If someone were to play one of your characters in a movie, which character and what actor would it be and why?
Chris Hemsworth as Duquaine. Duquaine is exactly like Chris (Thor) in the Dark World. When I wrote Duquaine, I envisioned him.
HL: Mmmm, I can see why. Have you a favourite actor/hunk? Would this be the same guy?
Yep! :)
HL: Lyn pauses to fan herself, while passing Melissa another glass of 'something sparkling.' So what have you learned about writing since you were published that surprised you the most?
Writing a book is easy. Doing everything else (publishing, marketing, etc.) is the hard part.
HL: Isn't that the truth! What’s you’re writing process? Has it changed since writing your first book?
My writing process never changes. Ideas and words hit me at the most inconvenient times. When I’m driving in the car or when I’m bone tired and just lie down to sleep. Ugh, that’s annoying, but that’s why I always keep my iPhone with me, so I can jot down notes. I usually write in binges. I’ll go for a while without writing and then all the sudden, bam! A flood of words and ideas come to me and I have to write them down before I forget. When I’m in that mode, my favorite spot to write is at the living room table, right next to the fire, with Copper curled up at my feet. He’s my writing partner and gives me lots of advice :), as well as keeping my feet warm.
HL: My doggy writing partner does that too! Do you listen to music when you write and if so, what kind of music – or do you find it distracts you?
I write in silence. I listen to music when I envision scenes. For example, the scene where Chalice burns down Ielieria popped in my head when I was listening to Burn It to the Ground by Nickelback.
HL: Yes, I find music can be very inspirational, too.Do you have a support system? Do you have a writing community? What valuable lessons have you learned from them?
Just my pup. :) My writing community is comprised of the characters who appear in my head. I just write what they show me.
HL: I love the way characters can do that. What is your personal definition of success?
If you wake in the morning and you’re healthy and you’re happy, doing what you love, then you’ve succeeded
HL: Great answer. What is your favourite source of inspiration?
Dreams. So many ideas have come to me in dreams and they’re usually the best ideas.
HL: Is there any advice, as a new writer, that you were either given, or wish you had been given?
Beware of internet trolls. Research their hangouts and then stay away from those places online. That’s the best advice anyone could have given me.
HL: Excellent advice, and something not everyone is aware of. What sort of research do you do for your books and what’s your favourite source of information.
Google usually. In fantasy, you usually make up your own rules, but in some cases you have to do research. In those cases, Google is your friend.
HL: LOL, I've spent many happy hours on Google myself, in the name of 'Research.' Tell me, Melissa, just for fun, if you were an animal, which one do you think you would be, and why?
A lion. Because he’s king of jungle. :)
HL: That's a good choice. Many authors model their characters on people they know. Is this the case with your characters and do you see yourself in any of them?
Absolutely! Chalice inherits my determination and stubbornness and Jeremiah, my love of reading, writing, and studying.
HL: That must be why those two seem so well suited. Who is your favorite character in your book and why?
Duquaine. Because he is so much like Chalice. The two of them make for very interesting scenes!
HL: Yes, I love the way those two interacat in 'The Return.' Who is your most favorite character of all time from any book, thn?
Dobby in Harry Potter. I love Dobby!
HL: He's great isn't he! Sadly our interview is nearing it's close. Before I programme your shuttle back to Earth, where can readers connect with you?
My website:
HL: And finally, there a question you really, really wish someone would ask, but they never do? If so what would be your reply?
I always wanted to be asked about where I would want to be at this very moment. If I was asked that, my reply would be, “Right where I am.” :)
And I grew up on a ranch with horses.
HL: Well I'm not too surprised by the first two, and I'm really envious of the third fact about you. I love horses and always dreamed of having a horse ranch. One of the reasons I've enjoyed yur books so much is that as well as wonderful human characters, Banner, Sunny and Nipha are such lovely horse characters. So what do you do for fun when not writing?
I like to cook while listening to audiobooks while my Coonhound lays nearby hoping to get a morsel, which he usually does. :) I also like to swim during the summer and ski during the winter.
HL: Sounds good. When did you start writing?
I started writing in high school. Then I stopped when I went to college. I just recently started writing again in 2007.
HL: So what comes first: the plot or the characters?
The characters. Once they are in place and the setting established, they make the plot. I’m a discovery writer. Much of the story surprises me as I go along and it grows with the telling.
HL: I'm glad you said that - I'm exactly the same and love it whe my characters dictate the plot. Tell us about your latest release and what you think readers will enjoy about it.
The Return is the third book of the trilogy, The Legend of the Raie’Chaelia. In it, Chalice finishes what she started and really pushes the envelope to the point where she finds herself in hot water. Even though I knew where and how the story would end, it was interesting to see where the characters led me. Some of the events that happen in book three were as much a surprise to me as they are to the reader. The Return really is my favorite book of the whole trilogy because so much happens in it. All the burning questions get answered, the mysteries get solved, and the big reveal at the end ties everything back to the very beginning of the first book. This what I think readers will like.
HL: If someone were to play one of your characters in a movie, which character and what actor would it be and why?
Chris Hemsworth as Duquaine. Duquaine is exactly like Chris (Thor) in the Dark World. When I wrote Duquaine, I envisioned him.
Yep! :)
HL: Lyn pauses to fan herself, while passing Melissa another glass of 'something sparkling.' So what have you learned about writing since you were published that surprised you the most?
Writing a book is easy. Doing everything else (publishing, marketing, etc.) is the hard part.
HL: Isn't that the truth! What’s you’re writing process? Has it changed since writing your first book?
My writing process never changes. Ideas and words hit me at the most inconvenient times. When I’m driving in the car or when I’m bone tired and just lie down to sleep. Ugh, that’s annoying, but that’s why I always keep my iPhone with me, so I can jot down notes. I usually write in binges. I’ll go for a while without writing and then all the sudden, bam! A flood of words and ideas come to me and I have to write them down before I forget. When I’m in that mode, my favorite spot to write is at the living room table, right next to the fire, with Copper curled up at my feet. He’s my writing partner and gives me lots of advice :), as well as keeping my feet warm.
HL: My doggy writing partner does that too! Do you listen to music when you write and if so, what kind of music – or do you find it distracts you?
I write in silence. I listen to music when I envision scenes. For example, the scene where Chalice burns down Ielieria popped in my head when I was listening to Burn It to the Ground by Nickelback.
HL: Yes, I find music can be very inspirational, too.Do you have a support system? Do you have a writing community? What valuable lessons have you learned from them?
Just my pup. :) My writing community is comprised of the characters who appear in my head. I just write what they show me.
HL: I love the way characters can do that. What is your personal definition of success?
If you wake in the morning and you’re healthy and you’re happy, doing what you love, then you’ve succeeded
HL: Great answer. What is your favourite source of inspiration?
Dreams. So many ideas have come to me in dreams and they’re usually the best ideas.
HL: Is there any advice, as a new writer, that you were either given, or wish you had been given?
Beware of internet trolls. Research their hangouts and then stay away from those places online. That’s the best advice anyone could have given me.
HL: Excellent advice, and something not everyone is aware of. What sort of research do you do for your books and what’s your favourite source of information.
Google usually. In fantasy, you usually make up your own rules, but in some cases you have to do research. In those cases, Google is your friend.
HL: LOL, I've spent many happy hours on Google myself, in the name of 'Research.' Tell me, Melissa, just for fun, if you were an animal, which one do you think you would be, and why?
A lion. Because he’s king of jungle. :)
HL: That's a good choice. Many authors model their characters on people they know. Is this the case with your characters and do you see yourself in any of them?
Absolutely! Chalice inherits my determination and stubbornness and Jeremiah, my love of reading, writing, and studying.
HL: That must be why those two seem so well suited. Who is your favorite character in your book and why?
Duquaine. Because he is so much like Chalice. The two of them make for very interesting scenes!
HL: Yes, I love the way those two interacat in 'The Return.' Who is your most favorite character of all time from any book, thn?
Dobby in Harry Potter. I love Dobby!
HL: He's great isn't he! Sadly our interview is nearing it's close. Before I programme your shuttle back to Earth, where can readers connect with you?
My website:
HL: And finally, there a question you really, really wish someone would ask, but they never do? If so what would be your reply?
I always wanted to be asked about where I would want to be at this very moment. If I was asked that, my reply would be, “Right where I am.” :)
What a great question and answer! Thank you
so much for taking time to visit my blog, Melissa, it’s been a thrill having you here
and learning more about you and your writing. I wish you much success now and
in the future.
Melissa Douthit grew up in North County of San Diego, California. After graduating with a Computer Science degree in Southern California, and working for a summer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in New Mexico, she moved to the Bay Area to work at NASA Ames Research Center for a year and then at Lawrence Livermore National Lab for another four years. From there, she moved to Monterey, California, to work at the Naval Postgraduate School on a government project for two years.ABOUT MELISSA DOUTHIT
She currently lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, working as a software engineer. Since high school, she has been a voracious reader of books of all genres, with an emphasis in fantasy and science fiction. Her literary work is strongly influenced by her professional experience and includes many elements of her scientific background. You can find out more about Melissa on her website:
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Praise for Legend of the Raie'Chaelia, Book One:
"Douthit's love of words is apparent and her use of language highly inventive. She has a firm grip on believable dialogue."-Kirkus Reviews
"Lively, fast-paced and satisfyingly complex! Can't wait for the second in the trilogy!"-Diane Donovan, eBook Reviewer, Midwest Book Review
"I really liked this book! If you love adventure books and romance books this is the story for you!!! First off, the romance between Jeremiah and Chalice is super cute! They are really such a good couple. I like how after all the time that they hadn't seen each other they still had feelings for each other. I also loved Buney! He's so cute, he reminds me of a little stuffed animal. As for the adventure, this book is full of it! There are many twists and turns throughout the book that always keeps you wanting more. This is an adventure that will definitely keep you reading with a little romance thrown into the mix also. I can seriously see this as a movie."-Books Ahoy Website
"This was SUCH an epic fantasy. I felt that same "childhood" feeling I've felt while reading countless fantasy books, such as C.S. Lewis' and J.R.R. Tolkein.
This story was so original! Loved everything about it. I fell in love with the characters, the setting was INCREDIBLE, and the background story was so magical. You immediately get pulled in by the mystery and the curious feeling you get that there's more to this story...
I really loved how Douthit described the scenery. I could imagine myself in the "ghost town" which Chalice travels to first, or the Chinuk village that they stay in overnight. Love the detail, you can really feel a part of the journey which Chalice and her friends take.
The Raie'Chaelia is an amazing journey of which one girl, with the help of her friends, finds out about her past. The ending, was AMAZING. God, I really want to find out more now! That was such a big cliffhanger. The Firelight of Maalda, the second book, will be coming out in maybe around October 2011. Can't wait!"- Rabiah, I Live For Reading Website
"I really enjoyed The Raie'Chaelia. I liked both Chalice and Jeremiah. Especially Jeremiah. I'm not really sure why I think so highly of Jeremiah other than he is just a really great guy and an incredibly likable character. Chalice is quite likable too although she did do a couple of things that I thought were a little silly at times. The supporting cast were all very cool too.
The Raie'Chaelia is definitely a really intriguing story and I had a lot of fun reading through it.
I definitely enjoyed reading The Raie'Chaelia and I had a little sneak peak at the next book in the series in the back of The Raie'Chaelia and it definitely looks interesting. I really enjoyed The Raie'Chaelia and I think that any fans of fantasy would definitely enjoy it."-Rebecca, Everything To Do With Books
Praise for The Firelight of Maalda, Raie'Chaelia, Book Two:
"What I really like about these books is the amount of fantasy. It reminds me of (and I know I said this in the review of the first book) childhood fantasy stories, like C.S. Lewis. Completely magical, and Douthit has really created a fantastic world. You don't see that too much in YA these days.
The romance in this book has improved since the last one! Chalice and Jeremiah develop even more from the first book, and I found it really sweet and not-rushed-into at all. The action and thrill of what's to happen next is really amazing too. I had to keep reading to find out what happens next.
I found that the story was great. Lovers of fantasy, with plenty of action, suspense and of course, the blooming romance, will definitely need to pick this one up. A great follow-up from the first book, this one will leave readers hanging on for more. Looking forward to reading book 3!" - Rabiah, I Live For Reading Website
"The Firelight of Maalda: A story that unites the real with the fantastical and turns science into magic. It is a tale of intrigue and wonder where two opposite worlds collide in an explosive journey that leads Chalice and her friends to the dark islands lurking just beyond the horizon of Ielieria, where the Firelight of Maalda sits ... and waits.
This is a YA series for age 13 upwards. Having said that, I'm sure many 'older' readers will enjoy it as much as I did. The story continues the story begun in The RaieChaelia and reveals more of the characters and the wonderful world Melissa Douthit has created. I really enjoyed reading the first book, The Raie Chaelia, as well as the sequel.
This story continues Chalice's journey to fulfil her destiny, and the growing romance between her and Jeremiah. She and Jeremiah knew each other as children, and meet up again at the beginning of The Raie Chaelia. Their friendship has grown into something deeper and in The Firelight of Maalda both characters, but especially Chalice, have grown and matured emotionally and I found it particularly satisfying that their love is not only acknowledged but their sweet romance seems completely natural and uncontrived.
There is a touching tenderness between them, they are both strong characters but neither feels complete without the other and their love and respect for each other shines through even when they are not entirely in agreement.
There is a lot more to this story than romance though, there is plenty of action and suspense. There is a large cast of characters, and some of those from the first book make a welcome re-appearance.
The story moves at a fast pace to the nail biting climax and a cliffhanger of an ending - I'm really glad Melissa gave us a taste of the next book to answer at least one of my questions, and I can't wait for the third in the series."- Hywela Lyn Website
"After reading The Raie'Chaelia last year I was so excited to be able to read the second book, The Firelight of Maalda. Needless to say, I loved The Firelight of Maalda just as much as I loved The Raie'Chaelia.
The story was really good and I had a lot of fun learning more about the world and the goings on. There were the highs and lows in the book and I was really excited to see the return of some really awesome characters from the first book.
Then there was the ending. Oh my goodness! I don't want to spoil anything but can I just say, that is one huge cliffhanger. UGH! Can I have the next book now please?
I absolutely love The Firelight of Maalda and the entire Raie'Chaelia series. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good fantasy story and I know I definitely can't wait to continue the series."- Rebecca, Everything To Do With Books
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