Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed Below:
My series 'The Destiny Trilogy' started with one character - Kerry Marchant. Each book is a complete story but features some of the same characters. The series began with 'Starquest' and the third in the trilogy is 'Beloved Enemy (currently nominated for a RONE Award😊) Although Kerry is not the main character Starquest, he is my favourite. He doesn't feature in the second book but stars in the third one! I thought it would be nice to introduce him to folk who may not have read the books, so here are ten sentences from Starquest.
(Jess, the main character has just been rescued from her stricken starship by the Destiny)
"When we received your distress signal, we ran a computer analysis. The conclusions were obvious. The only option was for you to abandon her (the ship) before her drive reached critical.”
The stern-faced man turned to look at her now. His blue eyes, cool as gunmetal, fixed on her until she felt herself blush under his relentless scrutiny. He smiled slowly, as if unaccustomed to such an action. He was, in fact, very attractive when he smiled. “Welcome aboard.”
The commander nodded in his direction. “Let me introduce Kerry Marchant, second-in-command.”
Although Jess still could not help feeling a little suspicious, she managed to smile back at him with a degree of confidence she did not feel.
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