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Beloved Enemy joined Starquest and Children of the Mist to continue the Destiny Trilogy and I'm thrilled to announce was shortlisted for the R.N.A. RoNA Awards 2017, awarded 2nd Runner up in the RONE Awards 2017 and was the winner in the SF/Fantasy category of the 'Best Banter Contest'.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

New Review for Beloved Enemy

Reviews mean so much to an author - and they don't have to be long either. Here's the latest Five Star review for Beloved Enemy, from a reader on Amazon -

"On my wish list is a regenerator, and don't tell my cat Woofie I might trade him for a chameleopard wolf. If I ever feel unfulfilled, this book will be awaiting my rereading. Somehow, it gave me a transfusion - a new zest - and appreciation for Hywela Lyn's talent and capabilities."

Thank you everyone who takes the trouble to write a review for a book you've read and liked. After all it's you, the readers, we write for and it makes it all worthwhile to know you've enjoyed our work.

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! Every new subscriber will get a free download of my fantasy novella 'Dancing With Fate' (If this doesn't arrive within two days just email me at Every new subscriber will get a free download of my fantasy novella 'Dancing With Fate' (If this doesn't arrive within two days just email me at and I'll make sure you get your copy.

Monday, 22 August 2016

It's In The Blood by Juanita Aydlette - Novel Spotlight

I'm pleased to welcome fellow author and dog lover, Juanita Aydlette today, with her latest release 'It's In The Blood'. Be sure to read the excerpt and watch the video below. Sounds like a real edge of the seat read!


Never stare at a shirtless hunk with green eyes. Gabrielle Madsen is drawn in by

such a pair of eyes that captures her soul and leaves her a prisoner of an addictive kind of love--not that she's complaining. But her educational trip turns out to be more than just a fun-filled summer escapade.

She’s faced with a life-changing decision that could affect the world around her.
Her discovery of this ancient, legend-come-to-life proves to be deadly, but her heart can’t break away. She and Josh Van Ness fall in love and must battle the forces that want to keep them apart.


Away from the open menagerie was a path surrounded by dense trees. It was across a narrow decorative bridge built into the landscape. The thick greenery provided a shady side to the open garden. A spotlight created by the sun beckoned to me from inside and I walked away from the others. My eyes were fixed on the pink and red groundcover that glimmered with a hypnotic seduction. I ventured toward the fragrant breeze, unaware of how far I had strayed.

After only a few yards inside the cover of the trees, my body was seized again by a rumble and a frightening snarl. A chill blanketed me and I couldn’t move. I didn’t dare look around, for the back of my blouse had already been saturated by the heated moisture from the breath of the beast. My first instinct was to scream, but fear had stolen my voice. So I took a deep breath and held it. The scent of horror filled my lungs. It was familiar. Was I being stalked by the animal that lurked outside my hotel grounds?

Help me please, rang inside my head. My eyes squeezed shut as its sharp fangs pinched my shoulder. Tears filled my eyes and my hands formed a fist. I waited to feel my bones snap when suddenly, it let go. The leaves crunched. The sound grew fainter by the second, then nothing. My eyes remained closed as I trembled and listened.

“Miss?” A woman’s voice severed my nightmare. “I saw you come out here. We’re getting ready to go to another area. You don’t want to be left behind.”

Without hesitation I ran past her, clutching my throat and sobbing. The other tourists were boarding the van and I made my way to the back. The woman I believed saved me from certain death, came and sat beside me.

“Hi. My name is Kara. Are you okay?” She placed her hand on my shoulder.

“Did you see anything?” I searched her eyes for a confirmation. “An animal? It was behind me.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see anything,” she said and smiled.

“Was it a spider?” the little lady with the blinding yellow blouse asked.

“No. Never mind, Kara. I guess I’m just tired. Thank you for checking on me.”

“You’re welcome, you take care.” She quickly returned to her seat.

My body trembled as the bus came to stop. I ran from the tourist center to the hotel. Once inside the bathroom, I stripped and examined my shoulder. A painful bruise was both in front and in back. I cried out loud, shook convulsively, and then laughed hysterically. Was I going mad?

About the Author:

Juanita Aydlette is from Shreveport, Louisiana, and now lives in Texas.  She’s the only girl in a family of four brothers. She love music, planting flowers and is a dog lover…that’s why she works at an animal clinic.

Find out more about Juanita at:

Twitter: @Juanita Aydlette


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Every new subscriber will get a free download of my fantasy novella 'Dancing With Fate' (If this doesn't arrive within two days just email me at Every new subscriber will get a free download of my fantasy novella 'Dancing With Fate' (If this doesn't arrive within two days just email me at and I'll make sure you get your copy.

Saven Defiance Release Day, #Giveaway and Review


The sun shines high from an elevated position in the sky, beating a burning path straight for us. My feet sink into the thick, dense sand of the desert, to the point where my legs throb with the effort involved in walking. Sweat coats my skin like a new outer layer, and my clothes are practically welded to my body at this stage.
The frosty reception—from Haydn—is in direct contrast to the hot, humid climate. He continues to ignore my questions as he guides me toward the ship that has just shimmered into existence in front of us.
It’s as if we share a cloak of invisibility—this ship and I.
“Where’s Logan?” I ask for the umpteenth time, channeling more patience than I ordinarily possess.
Haydn’s response is to tighten his grasp on my arm and clamp his lips shut. I inwardly sigh as I glance around me. Neve is escorting Izzy on my left, and Rylan is guiding a cuffed Axton in front of us. Every so often, Ax peeks over his shoulder at me, a stern frown creasing his forehead.
I’m as confused as he is. I don’t understand why I’m being treated like a common criminal, because the three Saven—whom I thought were my friends—are refusing to talk. “Please, Haydn. Where is he? Is he okay?” My breath huffs out in exasperated spurts at the unrelenting chilly silence.
“Walk ahead of me,” he instructs as we approach the open mouth of the craft. It’s the first time he has spoken since the ominous “Make one false move and I’ll shoot” comment he threw at me when the three Saven first appeared here. Wherever here is, because I’ve no clue how I managed to teleport us safely from Torc or where we landed.
Ax and Izzy are ascending the walkway into the belly of the ship, and I trail behind them. A welcome, familiar face is waiting to greet me at the top of the steps. Fern leans against the railing, her usual sunny features obscured behind a mantle of worry. Spotting me, she brightens for a split second until she takes in my transparent prisoner status.
She skips toward us with purpose. “What the hell?” Piercing Haydn with a murderous glare, she deposits her hands on her slim hips.
“Don’t. Interfere.” He growls out a warning as he pushes past her, hauling me along for the ride.
I shrug my shoulders as I eyeball my friend. “Don’t ask me for an explanation. No one is even speaking to me.”
“This is completely ridiculous, and totally unnecessary,” Fern yells as she stalks behind us like a miniature tornado.
“Babe,” Rylan says, stalling on the steps above us. “Let’s get to the cabin and we’ll clear everything up.”
Haydn snorts and shakes his head. I deliberately impale him with my penetrating gaze, willing him to look at me so he can absorb the full glare of my frustration. But he’s as stubborn as ever, and he pretends not to feel my eyes burning a hole through the side of his skull. As I continue to stare at him—noting the ashen pallor of his skin and how his once shorn hair has grown out, now curling and twisting around his ears and over his neck—I wonder if I’ve ever really known him at all. Or if he has ever truly known me.

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"Everything Siobhan publishes has a touch of breath-taking suspense, complex characters that engage your interest, and new worlds that pique the imagination. Saven Defiance is no different." Goodreads Reviewer

"Siobhan has knocked it out of the park! Saven Defiance has all of the things we love about her writing - action, romance, plot twists, and characters that we are drawn to ... this book is amazing." Goodreads Reviewer

"Siobhan Davis is hands down one of the best YA authors writing today. She creates wonderful characters, amazing worlds, and provides them with solid, entertaining storylines." Goodreads Reviewer

"Saven Defiance has soul-deep romance, heart-pounding action, amazing characters, gut-wrenchingly intense moments, and once you start it you will be drawn into the story so completely ... sleep be damned!" I Have a Book Obsession

"Saven Defiance is another incredible notch on the literary belt of Siobhan Davis and her crazy-wicked imagination." Tome Tender

I've read all the Saven novels so far and unlike some series they just keep getting better. There are so many revelations in this latest book - unexpected family relationships, power plays, deceptions and intrigue, and the action does not let up.  A real page turner. This really is one of those 'roller coaster' reads where one wonders how on earth Sadie will get out of this one! I have to say Sadie is not my favourite character - which is not to say I don't like her, she has a lot of admirable qualities, although I do find her a little annoying at times.There are so many great, multi-dimensional characters in this series, who are very easy to identify with. Another great plus for me is the world building. There are some fantastic descriptions and the settings really come alive in the minds eye, through Siobahn Davis's skillful  way with words which put the reader right there, in the worlds of her imagination.  The cliff-hanger ending is what I have come to expect from this author and prepares us for yet another layer of intrigue in this hugely enjoyable series.

I can recommend this as a 'must read' for anyone who likes edge of the seat suspensful Scence Fiction/Fantasy and doesn't mind having to wait for the next book!

Five comets from me.