Tips for Authors Guide
Book Description:
Are you considering a virtual
book tour?
Not sure where to start or
exactly what an online tour will entail?
Roxanne Rhoads, book publicist and owner of Bewitching Book Tours,
shares her virtual tour expertise in this Quick Tips for Authors Guide.
Secrets of Successful Virtual
Book Tours will guide you in utilizing the best marketing tool available- a
virtual book tour, which can create online exposure for your book, jumpstart
your book sales, help build your author brand, and expand your network.
In this guide you’ll learn:
· what you should
do before a tour
· the components
of a great author website
· the best social
media outlets for authors to utilize
· tips for
building your author brand
· how to write
great guest blogs
· what
to expect from an online book tour
· the
secrets of successful book tours
· how to schedule
your own virtual book tour
And you’ll receive in-depth details
about what to do during a virtual book tour to guarantee success.
Excerpt Secrets of Successful Virtual Book Tours by Roxanne Rhoads
The world of publishing is continuously evolving thanks to technology and the Internet. It is now easier than ever to publish a book. But with the growing number of new books being released every day it is also harder than ever to get your book noticed in the crowd.
If your line of thinking includes- “If I publish it, people will buy it,” think again.
Indie publishing requires a dedication to self-promotion. Gone are the days an author hermits them self away to write, then hands the book to the publisher who does all the leg work for promotion. Even NYT Bestselling authors and those with contracts through the big publishers still have to do a certain amount of self-promotion.
There are many ways to promote: social media, advertising on popular websites and blogs, print advertising in trade magazines, attending reader oriented conventions and events…but one of the best ways to get your book out there and build name recognition as an author is through a virtual book tour.
In this Quick Tips for Authors Guide, you will learn why a virtual book tour can be an author’s most effective marketing tool.
I work with authors everyday- many first time and indie authors.
So I see a lot of mistakes, faux paus, and things that flat out make me cringe.
And no I’m not pointing fingers or trying to shame anyone because I’ve been there. I’ve made many of the mistakes, learned from them and moved on. Now I am sharing my wisdom with others.
Social Media Profiles
Do not make your Twitter name, Facebook profile or any other social media profile name the title of your book or series. Unless it is the only book you ever plan to write.
You should work on branding yourself as an author- all your social media accounts should be your name.
In fact everything should be your author name: your website URL, your professional author email, your blog, everything.
Example: I am Roxanne Rhoads across the board- all my social media accounts, my website, my email- it is all Roxanne Rhoads. I can easily be found as Roxanne Rhoads when someone googles me or searches on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.
Once you have started building your brand you can create pages, groups, etc. to promote a book or series. When promoting your book you can also hashtag the title.
Twitter Example: “New release: Hex and the City by @RoxanneRhoads Vehicle City Vampires Book 2 #hexandthecity #vehiclecityvampires”
Notice that I linked to my twitter profile and hash tagged both my book title and series name.
Author Email
A big pet peeve of mine is author emails- I understand you work with pen names or perhaps you’ve had a certain email address forever…but you really need something professional and something easy to remember when someone in the professional needs to email you.
Example if someone were to email me, they could easily remember that I’m roxannerhoads@bewitchingbooktours.com. It would be harder to find me if I was cutebunny67@yahoo.com.
Sure that email address might have been cute when you were 18 but now you’re trying to be a professional.
When I am emailing an author I work with I type in their name and hope autofill or my contact list pulls it up. If they have some weird, out there address it won’t show up. If they use their name, bingo it pops up, easy peasy -saves me having to search for it, professionals love things that are streamlined and make their jobs easier.
Please grab a professional email address. You can get them free through numerous sources. And don’t use your real name address if you are working under your pen name. That is confusing, too. Create an email specifically for your author name.
If you buy a domain name you can even point it to that. I have a domain name and pay Gmail for their email service to point to my domain- roxannerhoads@bewitchingbooktours.com
It streamlines everything.
the Author:
Roxanne Rhoads has been working
in the world of online book promotion since 2005. She has worked as a freelance
writer, author, book reviewer, book blogger, editor, self-publisher and book
publicist. She has a unique advantage of knowing how multiple sides of book
publishing and promotion operate.
Roxanne understands how book
bloggers work and what they want to make their jobs easier while also
understanding that authors need promotion to be streamlined, easy, and less
time consuming.
Roxanne shares some of her
knowledge in her latest release, Secrets
of Successful Virtual Book Tours.
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