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Megan has inherited an old cottage and started a new life, and a new job at the veterinary surgery, Her nearest neighbour is Glyn, a single dad and his young son, Huw. A mysterious pony has appeared in Glyn's horse paddocks and even his experienced horse breaker, Evan, can't seem to handle her. Meanwhile, objects have been disappearing and reappearing at the cottage, and Megan isn't sure if she's imagining things. In the last snippet, she is surprised to see Huw riding the supposedly unmanageable pony
Megan shot a glance at Evan Griffiths, leaning against the fence with a bemused expression on his face.

“She trusts him, see,” the man said in answer to her unspoken question, “that’s the only way to explain it.” He paused, “p’raps she’s one of those horses which prefer children to adults, some horses do, you know.”
“We only discovered Huw was riding the pony the other day, and I can’t get him to tell me how long he’s been riding her or how he managed to gain her confidence,” Glyn added.
“Well he seems happy,” she replied, “and so does the pony for that matter.”
The boy must have noticed her arrival, and cantered up to the fence, patting the pony’s neck, he drew her to a halt and jumped down from the saddle.
“Hello Miss Johnson, did you see me jumping -- how d’you like my new pony?”
“Your pony now, is she?” his father said, and Megan could not help noticing the twinkle in his eye.
“You seem to be doing really well with her,” she said, stepping back from the fence a little, as the pony snorted and tossed her head. She hoped Glyn Phillips hadn’t noticed
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