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Beloved Enemy joined Starquest and Children of the Mist to continue the Destiny Trilogy and I'm thrilled to announce was shortlisted for the R.N.A. RoNA Awards 2017, awarded 2nd Runner up in the RONE Awards 2017 and was the winner in the SF/Fantasy category of the 'Best Banter Contest'.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Delightful pets you have.....#Book Hook' from Beloved Enemy - #MFRWHooks

I'm posting another excerpt from the third book in the Destiny Trilogy, the award winning 'Beloved Enemy',  which will soon be joining the first two books Starquest and Children of the Mist as an audio book, as well as in eBook and paperback. Each book has a hero and heroine with there own 'happy ever after' but each story features some of the same characters and a link to 
the starship Destiny

EXCERPT (carries on a little further from last week's excerpt)

She waved her weapon in the direction of the rocks, where the firing had come from earlier, while bending to retrieve her supply pack and thermal blanket, still keeping her gaze fixed on him. “We need to make sure whoever was shooting at you and“We need to make sure whoever was shooting at you and your friends is really dead. Move, and remember I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

They reached the rock their adversaries had used as a shield. With her finger on the trigger button Cat swung round it, prepared to fire if anyone moved. Then she froze. The area was clear. Not the bodies she expected to find, no sign anyone had ever been there at all.

She looked at Kerry. “They were here. They can’t have just vanished.”

He shook his head. “Unless they can teleport—which has been proven to be impossible by mechanical means. It is just possible they may have psionic capabilities.”

“No point in worrying about them now. Seems they’ve gone, however they did it.” Cat gave a long low whistle and one of the nearby boulders morphed into the tawny form of Shifter.

“What the hell is that?” As if acting on instinct, Kerry reached for his gun and then swore softly when his fingers failed to close upon it. His gaze flicked toward her. He cursed again and stared pointedly at his
blaster thrust through her belt.

She ignored his stare and nodded toward the animal. “His name’s Shifter. He’s…well, I call him a chameleopard, and I’d kill anyone who tried to shoot him.”

Kerry favoured her with a cold look. “Delightful pets you have.”

Cat Kincaid is obsessed with killing the man she believes is responsible for the torture and death of her sister, but when she eventually catches up with him, survival becomes a greater priority than revenge.

Kerry Marchant, haunted by memories, regret, and self-blame, shields himself from the pain of the past by committing himself totally to the starship, Destiny, of which he is part owner. However, the beautiful, red-haired woman who reminds him of his lost love, and who he suspects is working for a corrupt regime, represents a possible threat not only to the ship, but to his heart.

Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?

Available from:
Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

All three books in the Destiny Trilogy can be found on my Amazon Author Page:

Please don't forget to visit the blogs below for more 'book hooks'.

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Pheonix Rising Series by Alexandra Christian - Spotlight and #Giveaway

Phoenix Rising Book 1
by Alexandra Christian

Genre: SF Romance

Librarian Phoebe Addison has lived her entire life within a seventy-five mile
radius of her small Louisiana town, but when she receives a strange medallion from her adventurous, off-world sister, reality tilts toward the bizarre. Everything Phoe thought she knew is…well, wrong. Dead wrong. But bone-numbing fear has no place in this brave new world—nor by the side of the dangerous, exquisite man who saves her life.


Following the tragic slaughter of his family, operative Macijah “Cage” St.John understands evil in a way no man ever should. He traded happiness for a magnificent and terrible power, and fate isn’t done with him yet. He wasn’t looking for comfort. He didn’t need tenderness. But today he’ll play hero to a damsel in distress, and his quest will deliver him to the uncanny Martian colony of New London—and his heart to the demure Phoebe Addison. The bookish
beauty’s hidden talents and deep abiding love just might save Cage from himself.

Phoenix Rising Book 2

Macijah "Cage" St. John' didn't want the spy life anymore. He would
have been thrilled to spend every morning lying in the field behind
Phoe's home in smalltown Louisiana watching the clouds roll by. But
his Miss Addison wanted to spread her wings, literally. So Cage accepted a mission that teamed him up with his lady love. If only he had trusted her.


Everything about being a spy was a million times more exciting, and scarier,
than the books she'd read in her former life as a librarian. When her  first mission with Cage turned into a colossal clusterf*ck because he withheld information and kept secrets, Phoebe's world narrowed into a long tunnel of betrayal. Captured by space pirates and delivered to a horrible fate, she wished the last words between them had been of love, because she was certain she would never see Cage St. John again.

In NeoGeisha, Alexandra Christian returns to the intriguing, post-apocalyptic world she created in Naked. Cage and Phoe continue to build their relationship, but not without complications. Romantic conflict and fast-paced action keep the pages turning, right down to the satisfying ending. ~ Nancy Northcott, Author of the Light Mage Wars series

NeoGeisha hit all my personal high points: wild adventure, sheet-scorching sex,
killer machines, thousands-to-two odds and a vampire shape-shitfting
James Bond in space. ~Vivien Jackson, Author of Wanted and Wired series

In Absinthia
Rising Book 3


Interplanetary master spies, Macijah "Cage" St. John and Phoebe Addison
are forced to take vacation time, and she wants to go to Absinthia,
an off-world all inclusive interactive vacay planet set up as
Victorian London, but with all the future comforts. Cage doesn't do
down time, but their boss has other ideas, so begrudgingly, Cage
agrees to go to Absinthia. Within a day of their arrival, they get
embroiled in a Ripper copy cat series of murders complete with
séances, "altered" humans, kidnapping, and affairs of the
heart - their hearts, which will always belong to each other.

Out of Ashes
Rising Book 4


Phoebe Addison and Macijah "Cage" St. John have so much going on
they can barely take a breath. Interplanetary master spies who generally drive their boss crazy, they are now trying to track down the person - is a skin walker a person? - who tried to kill him at their engagement party. Yeah, they were talked into returning to Louisiana so the whole town could show up and gawk at Cage. But they have bigger problems than usual when tracking an assassin. Secrets
that have been buried for too many years are about to be uncovered if Cage and Phoe can survive the people, vampires and "things" that are trying to kill them. And to top if off, Phoe has a secret she's sure will send Cage into a tailspin. But, as with everything they have lived through to be together, their love is the constant that is its own reward.

Alexandra Christian is an author of mostly romance with a speculative slant. Her love of Stephen King and sweet tea has flavored her fiction with
a Southern Gothic sensibility that  reeks of Spanish moss and deep
fried eccentricity. As one-half of the writing team at Little Red Hen

Romance, she’s committed to bringing exciting stories and sapiosexual love monkeys to intelligent readers everywhere. Lexx also likes to keep her fingers in lots of different pies having written everything from sci fi and horror to Sherlock Holmes adventures. 

Her alter-ego, A.C. Thompson, is also the editor of the highly successful Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes series of anthologies from Mocha Memoirs Press. A.C. will also pen several Shadow Council Archives novellas starring everyone’s favorite sidekick, Dr. John Watson, coming soon from Falstaff Books.

A self-proclaimed “Southern Belle from Hell,” Lexx is a native
South Carolinian who lives with an epileptic wiener dog and her
husband, author Tally Johnson. Her long-term aspirations are to one
day be a best-selling authoress and part-time pinup girl. She’s a
member of Romance Writers of America and Broad Universe—an
organization that supports female authors of speculative fiction.

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for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

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