Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed below:
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She made an adjustment to her weapon and flicked a control; at this rate, they could go on taking pot shots at the unknown enemy until they all died of starvation, she could at least shorten the odds a little.

Here's the next snippet from the third book in the Destiny Trilogy. Thanks so much to everyone who has been following this series, and stayed with me xx
I clean forgot to register for last week's 'Snippets'. apologies, but I remembered this week! You can read the previous snippet of Beloved Enemy HERE
(The story so far - Cat Kincaid has crashlanded on an unknown and seemingly hostile planet, apparently in the middle of a gun battle in the not-too-far distance. Cat, being Cat has to get involved. This excerpt takes place several paragraphs after the previous snippet, after several salvos have been fired on both sides.
(some creative punctuation to comply with sentence count
(some creative punctuation to comply with sentence count
She rolled to the side as far as she could, at the same time, letting loose a few more bolts from her pistol. After several seconds, she risked a peek below her. One of the three, a dark haired man dressed in black, seemed to be holding his own and covering his two companions, a second man, blond haired and of slender build, knelt beside the motionless form of their fallen comrade.
She made an adjustment to her weapon and flicked a control; at this rate, they could go on taking pot shots at the unknown enemy until they all died of starvation, she could at least shorten the odds a little.
Another crack of blaster fire caused her to duck for cover again. The salvo lasted for what seemed an interminable time. When the firing ceased, she risked another look - there was no sign of the other man or his wounded companion.
The man in black crouched behind a rock. Where’s the other one? Did he leave his friend to fend off the attackers by himself?
The man in black crouched behind a rock. Where’s the other one? Did he leave his friend to fend off the attackers by himself?
Kerry Marchant, haunted by memories, regret, and self-blame, shields himself from the pain of the past by committing himself totally to the starship, Destiny, of which he is part owner. However, the beautiful, red-haired woman who reminds him of his lost love, and who he suspects is working for a corrupt regime, represents a possible threat not only to the ship, but to his heart.
Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?
Purchase all three books (or just one, they stand alone, while sharing some of the same characters)
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