I'm continuing snippets from the draft of my unpublished fantasy novel 'The Matchmaker's Mare which takes place in Wales. The story is told from three p.o.vs. and two time-lines. Today's excerpt is from Megan's p.o.v. and takes place in the present. She has just inherited Ty Gwyn cottage from her uncle, unaware of the legend that surrounds it.This snippet is a few lines on from the last one.(Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Rhiannon her story isn't finished yet. 😏)
Don't forget to visit the other authors at the link below the excerpt, there's something for all tastes.

Megan's mother had never mentioned she had money problems, and it was devastating to think she’d carried the worry herself and not come to her daughter for help. At least the sale of the house had covered those debts, but it had been hard to sell the home she'd lived in for so long, and it still hurt to think her mother had kept her money problems to herself. Still, her finances didn't look too bad now, and with what she had managed to save from her previous job, and her work at the vets, she should be able to manage if she was careful. She didn’t have to worry about paying rent any more, and still had a small amount of savings put by for emergencies. She would manage just fine, especially if her plan to sell a few paintings worked out.

For Info: I now have some audio codes for each of the three books in the Destiny Trilogy. If you would like one, or all three, just let me know with your email address at Lyn@hywelalyn.co.uk and I'll send you the ones you request, (Each book has its own code). If could manage to post a short review after you've listened, that would be greatly appreciated. 😍
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