Don't forget to visit the other authors at the link below the excerpt, there's something for all tastes.
I apologise for this not going up last week, I'd been away and pre-scheduled it and somehow missed that it hadn't posted. I'd also intended to visit the other snippets but didn't manage it as things have been a bit hectic. Will try to do better this week, although as always it may be late Sunday/Monday before I get around to visiting folks.
Here's a picture of me and Choccy Dog at the war memorial in Norfolk which we visited while we were away. As you can see from the fact my hair is at 'a quarter to three' it was a bit windy!

I’ll have to check out the back garden as soon as I’ve settled in.
There must be lavender bushes at the back of the cottage, since she couldn’t see any at the front, which was rather overgrown and neglected.
As she inserted the key in the door, she fancied she heard the tinkle of little bells and looked around to see if there was anything in the trees to account for the sound. Perhaps it was garden chimes, but her uncle hadn’t been the type to have such fripperies as he would have called them, and she didn’t think there were any other houses close enough for the sound to carry. She must be imagining things.
She took a deep breath and stepped into the cottage. A new home, a new job and a new beginning. A chance to put behind her the events of the last twelve months and start afresh.

For Info: I now have some audio codes for each of the three books in the Destiny Trilogy. If you would like one, or all three, just let me know with your email address at and I'll send you the ones you request, (Each book has its own code). If could manage to post a short review after you've listened, that would be greatly appreciated. 😍
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