Hello my lovelies
As always, I hope you're staying well and keeping warm in this chilly UK weather! I have a dragon legend for you this week. (Of course as you probably know, the dragon is Wales' emblem and is featured on the Welsh flag.) Many dragons in fiction are noble, friendly creatures, not so much the one in this tale - here is the tale of the dragon of Penmynydd:
Not far from the manor farm of Penhesgyn, near Penmynydd on the island of Anglesey, a dragon dwelt on the banks of the river Braint. A soothsayer in the area foretold that the heir to the manor would be killed by the
dragon. Hoping to keep him safe,the lord of the manor sent the boy away to England. For several years the young man stayed far away from Wales in the safety of England. Eventually a brave local lad slew the dragon by putting a polished cauldron in
the bottom of a pit.
Seeing its own reflection. and believing it to be a rival, the dragon fought the reflection it
until it was exhausted, whereupon the youth killed the dragon and, amid much rejoicing, the locals buried its body.
Elated by his new freedom to return to his homeland, the heir came back to
the manor, but insisted on seeing the body of the dragon. As soon as the
carcass was exhumed, he kicked the head of the dragon which had caused his exile, but one of the dragon's poisonous fangs penetrated his boot and went into his foot, killing him instantly. Thus
the prophecy was fulfilled.
(Serve him right - he should have been a lot more careful and not tried to take his revenge on the poor, dead creature!) 😉
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