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Beloved Enemy joined Starquest and Children of the Mist to continue the Destiny Trilogy and I'm thrilled to announce was shortlisted for the R.N.A. RoNA Awards 2017, awarded 2nd Runner up in the RONE Awards 2017 and was the winner in the SF/Fantasy category of the 'Best Banter Contest'.

Showing posts with label romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label romance. Show all posts

Saturday, 15 February 2025

THE MATCHMAKER'S MARE - A snippet release date: 5th May 2025

I'm getting very excited about the forthcoming publication of my paranormal equestrian romance,
THE MATCHMAKER'S MARE on 5th May 2025 and I'm participating in #bookqw, so thought I'd share my posts hereThe idea is that a word is given for each week of the month and authors post a quote from one of their books, containing that word, on a Wednesday. Last week's word is 'JUMP' and this is a snippet from my forthcoming sweet paranormal romance, which will be released on 5th May. (Cover coming on 19th March!) This is actually a longer snippet than the one I posted on Wednesday, I hope you enjoy it.

Megan inherits a little cottage in Wales. One evening, after she finishes work, she thinks she sees a shadowy figure in the window. 

She tried to stop her hand trembling as she turned the key in the lock. She cautiously pushed open the door, wondering what she could use as a weapon if she disturbed an intruder.She swallowed hard, her heart thudding and a slight feeling of panic rose and tightened like an elastic band around her chest. She switched on the light and gazed across the hall to the dining room. The door into the room remained closed, as she had left it. She could see no sign of anything being disturbed. She knew she hadn’t left any windows open and had locked both the front and back doors securely. Logic told her no-one could have broken in without there being some sign of damage, and everything looked fine. 

Ty Gwyn and the nearby village lay in a peaceful, rural area. She’d never seen anyone wandering around at night, nor felt uneasy about living there alone. The cottage being located out in the sticks as most people would call it, had never been a concern for her. In fact, she welcomed the peace and tranquillity after the hustle and bustle of the city. So why was she now JUMPing at shadows?

Cover Reveal - 19th March 2025
Cover Reveal - 19th March 2025

Sunday, 22 October 2023

The Curse of Moonseed Manor by D. Lieber - review

A haunted hotel. A sceptical photographer. A deadly curse that could cost her everything.

Wren Mabry’s life is a disaster. Her last few years have been rife with tragedy and hardship. So when she’s offered a job at Moonseed Manor, a Gothic revival mansion that’s never welcomed visitors, it seems suspicious. Even so, this is her chance to finally turn her life around.

The gloom that hangs over Moonseed Manor is enhanced by its cold yet alluring owner, Mr. William Courtland Bennings. And the spooky tales of the flirtatious and sexy caretaker, Watt, play up that feeling.

Even though Wren doesn’t believe in ghosts or curses, she’s always had a flair for the darker side. And when she finds a handwritten book of poetry filled with longing, terror, and ghostly revenge, it
reawakens her very soul—or rather the unknown poet does.

Love, death, secrets, and lies await in this gothic romance.

Purchase Links

Author Bio – 

D. Lieber has a wanderlust that would make a butterfly envious. When she isn’t planning her next physical adventure, she’s recklessly jumping from one fictional world to another. Her love of reading led her to earn a Bachelor’s in English from Wright State University.
Beyond her skeptic and slightly pessimistic mind, Lieber wants to believe. She has been many places—from Canada to England, France to Italy, Germany to Russia—believing that a better world comes from putting a face on “other.” She is a romantic idealist at heart, always fighting to keep her feet on the ground and her head in the clouds.

Lieber lives in Wisconsin with her husband (John) and cats (Yin and Nox). 
From the moment Wren steps foot inside Moonseed Manor, we experience with her its mystery as well as its elegance and charm, together with a hint of the supernatural which gradually grows as the story progresses.. The rich descriptions of the furnishings and interior drew me in, so that I wished I could experience it for myself. Whilst looking like a typical Gothic manor, Moonseed Manor, sitting on  an island in the middle of a lake, seems like the perfect setting for a hotel with a difference. However, there is an atmosphere about the place - an air of impending doom that gradually surrounds Wren.  Her seemingly rather cold and distant employer, William 'Corrie' Bennings hides a secret which she is determined to discover, while feeling drawn to him as if they somehow have a connection. The other occupants of the house are outwardly friendly and she soon feels at home with them - but can they all be trusted? 

Soon Wren realises that the mansion itself also hides a secret, and wonders if her imagination is playing tricks with her or are there really deadly and vengeful spirits haunting its rooms.

I found this story to be a real page turner, the vivid descriptions brought the mansion and its surroundings to life. Even the furniture is beautifully described in such a way as to make it seem real and authentic, making me feel author either had first-hand experience of this kind of large, ancestral home, or had done a lot of research on the subject. The atmosphere reminded me a little of Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca and if you enjoy Ms du Maurier's brand of Gothic novel, with a gradually developing romance, I'm sure you will enjoy The Curse of Moonseed Manor.
I gave this story five stars.

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promis
e that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Pistol Rose and the Wedding that Sparked a War by Michael Ryan Hahn- Guest Review and Excerpt


Apologies for this post being later than originally advertised - due to circumstances entirely beyond my control - honest! (ever had one of those weeks...?)

 Pistol Rose and the Wedding that Sparked a War by Michael Ryan Hahn: On Tour Publisher:  Swashbuckle Holdings (August, 2023) Category: Fantasy, Adult Epic Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Steampunk Tour Dates October 16-November 22, 2023 ISBN: 978-1962089005 Available in Print and ebook, 194 pages Pistol Rose and the Wedding that Sparked a War

Pistol Rose and the Wedding that Sparked a War by Michael Ryan Hahn

Description Pistol Rose and the Wedding that Sparked a War by Michael Ryan Hahn

As a young wilderness girl, Pistol Rose knows nothing of the advanced Strelkie City or the mad king Ward Harrol who sits behind its walls. She doesn't understand why the Strelkie forbid marriage. When the king forces the surrounding countryside to change their traditional culture to match his vision, the Punimin resist, and Rose learns everything about how to kill Strelkie and get away with it. 

But throwing her own secret wedding without being caught... is another matter entirely. Rose refuses to give up her lover, Clock Dancin, for the tyrants who threaten her way of life. And most Punimin stand with her–only one is a betrayer. In this futuristic medieval steampunk country filled with liars, killers, and wilderuckers, the strongest weapon is love. But using it comes with a heavy cost. 

About Michael Ryan Hahn

 ‘Pistol Rose and the Wedding That Sparked a War’ is Michael’s debut novel and the first in a planned 7- part series, The Anthem of Ash & Pistols. He previously wrote a standalone horror novella called ‘Children of the Storm’. He recently released an adventure podcast in the style of old radio plays called

Fire Pockets. His stories aim to weave exciting action with humor and heart, with complicated villains—probably because of his upbringing. He comes from a big ol' raucous family, and he survived a shockingly bruising (but not altogether unfun) cadre of violently delinquent Boy Scouts to become an Eagle Scout. He loves fight scenes. 

Michael won a ScreenCraft competition that led to development with Bad Robot. He's a 3x ScreenCraft Finalist, and has 18 other accolades from major screenwriting competitions, including AFF and Final Big Break. As a director, he won Best Feature at GenCon and Best Director at BAFF for his micro-budget, wild sci-fi comedy action feature, ALIEN THEORY He lives in Los Angeles with his wife. In his spare time, he designs custom habitats for cats.* The habitats are highly popular with the cats. Website: Fire Pockets Podcast: Twitter:


Excerpt from Pistol Rose

In a deep forest grove, Rose trots into a private, leafy pocket wearing leather armor and carrying a staff. This is a routine. “Face me, Mister! No dirty tricks, you cud.”

Dancin pops out from behind a tree wearing a “fancy” suit with many family clocks on it. There’s a blanket and picnic lunch nearby.

This isn’t the training session she was expecting. She laughs. “Are you going to charm me to death?”

“Thought I’d try something new.” He checks his pocket—oh no. It’s empty. She giggles as he rifles through more pockets. The pockets seem to be endless, and all of them empty.

“Lose something, Mister?”

He looks up—she’s holding an engagement ring. She leaps to him and kneels, thrusts the ring into his hands. Their names are beautifully inscribed on it. His craftsmanship has improved tremendously since those first clumsy scribblings of her face on his fighting stick, especially his lettering.


“Put your ring on my finger, boy.”

“So you want to be my wife, Miss Pistol?”

“Yes, Mr. Clock, I do.” She jumps onto him and kisses him like a hungry woodpecker until he laughs. Then she swats him— “You made that ring five months ago!”

He’s aghast. “You knew?”

“Of course I knew! You think I’d spend all my waking hours with a man I didn’t know inside and out?”

“Well. You don’t know everything.” He kisses her slowly and she falls out of time with him.

Behind a nearby thicket, a weaselly Strelkie soldier named Net Nesting pulls up his army trousers, careful not to make a sound. A half-naked, sultry Punimin girl called Teeth Molly dresses and follows him. (The Teeth clan boasts of a dozen generations of dentistry wisdom, but it isn’t true: until fifty-six years ago they were simply known for biting, throwing fits, and generally acting like the forest’s lesser-intelligent animals. None of this horrid behavior made it onto clocks, for obvious reasons, so their history isn’t officially settled. But in truth, it wasn’t until one of the boys managed to marry an educated girl named Candle Sally from Almyter that the Teeth began to resemble something respectable. Molly, however, seems born to tug her family line backwards.) She has several polished bronze teeth that she claims are gold, unlike the rest of her family who all show off flawless pearly whites. Whereas Punimin generally find wood to carve, Molly has taken to her own skin with dyes and inks to tell stories—lies, really—of flying with crows. Her largest canvass is her shelfy bosom, which seems to have intentional difficulty fitting into every garment she selects. The ink she uses is allegedly “snake powder,” a new substance of multiple uses being whispered about on the underground markets. Some people say it makes you crazy, if it’s even real at all. Whatever Molly bought, snake powder or some imitation, it obviously made permanent marks on her skin, but if it made her crazier than she comes naturally, that would be hard to tell. They spy on Rose and Dancin.

Rose says, “Let’s get married in secret.”

“We could ask the district emissary,” he offers gently. A sharp glare from her makes him rethink the suggestion. “I’m sorry—I know how your family feels about that, but if we go the secret way and the Strelkie find out, they’ll come after everyone we love. That’s war.”

Net motions for Molly to hang back while he approaches like a cautious viper.

Rose says, “I’m not afraid of Strelkie. I’m just afraid of not living my life. I loved Ann, but I hate her for what she did. I won’t do it. I won’t bow to them. Do you know what sprawhammid is?”

Dancin squints searching for a school-time memory. “Is it what the ancients called brave adventurers?”

“I think so,” she says. “But people nowadays say different things. Pig-headed fool, reckless pirate, stubborn noble. The more I hear about sprawhammid, the more it suits me. All together I think it really means to chase what you believe in, especially in the face of tyranny.”

“And what do you believe in, Rose?”

“Love. It’s what Punimin have and what Strelkie want to stamp out. It’s freedom. It’s choice. All those words we don’t want to get overheard saying by the wrong people. If we say, ‘sprawhammid’ instead, we can be free to design our secrets openly, among our people. The Strelkie will never know. None are taught the word.”

Dancin whispers, “Then our wedding will be sprawhammid.”

Net Nesting blows a bone horn and startles them. He jumps out with a shiny shotgun. Teeth Molly leaps out with a rusty corkscrew knife. Psychos.

Net Nesting muses, “What do we have here?”

Teeth Molly shouts, “Lawbreakers! Them’s treasonists!”

Net flexes his power. “Plotting to get married without consent of the district emissary?”

Molly looks stunned. “Wait. You’re not the district em?” Did Molly just sleep with a low rank? She is perturbed.

Net shrugs her off. “No, but I work for him. I’ll have his chair soon.” He turns to Dancin. “I am Net Nesting. I reflect the district emissary. What you’ve spoken here is conspiracy of the sickest flavor.”

Dancin attempts respect. “We were just planning to come and visit you—”

“Liars!” Molly shrieks. “We’s heard your plots! What’s heard can’t be silent, not when it’s rot. We’ll make sure the authorities hear about this, what’d you call it, ‘sprawhammid.’ Your secrets is undone, they is.”

Rose bites back. “Teeth Molly, I know your cousin; she’s our dentist. Does she know you’re carrying on with a Strelkie soldier?”

Molly’s jaw drops. “Oh, ha ho! Blackmail? This cud just tried to blackmail me! Punish them! Stick them!”

Net looks unsure. Molly presses. “Punish them big, Net. I’ll meet you up with my girlfriend if you do. She swings, love-dove. You just tell the story, and she’ll play it for you.” She points at a string of tattoos on her leg like a menu. They are … enlightening to Net.

Net gulps and nods. “Okay. Okay, here’s what we’ll do. You come to my office later today and pay me to forget this.”

Molly won’t have that weakness. “You soft sludger, no! Punish them proper! Do it, Strelkie, or I’ll tell the district em you’re carrying on with a Punimin girl.”

“He’d kill you too, stupid,” Net snaps.

Molly rubs her neck sensually. “Not if he likes me. My bet’s he will.” Net turns shocked.

“Maybe we should all just go our separate ways,” Dancin says.

Molly is on a roll now. “Nah, nah, nah. Make these cuds fight to the death. Barbellics style.”

Net is in over his head with this girl.

Rose snarls, “Molly, what did I ever do to you?”

To Molly, everyone has wronged her. “Fight to the death. Tell them, Net! Tell!”

Net finds a courage he didn’t know he had. “Whoever wins, their family lives. The loser’s family dies with pain for conspiracy to host a wedding without permission. The emissary will want a strong example made.”

Rose looks grave. “You can’t be serious.”

Molly jumps. “My man’s serious, Pistol. And I gets the loser’s head! I get to carry it on a post! The whole village will see I’m the top Punimin. Watch them buttoned-up doves look at me like a whore then. I’ll see them gobble their words.”

Net points his shotgun at Rose. “Fight now, or both families die. All of them.”

©Michael Ryan Hahn


Guest Review by Gracie

If there is anything I learned from this book, it is that you do not mess with a girl with Pistol as a first name!

Pistol Rose was raised to respect two things, family and gun crafting. She was raised as a fighter and instilled at a young age with a deep and abiding hatred for the Strelkie, an over class of people that live in a shining, technologically advanced city that rules over Rose's people, the Punimin.

Though the Punimin are raised to honor fidelity, the Strelkie are non-monogamous, even in their families. It is for this reason, as well as many others, that Rose hesitates to ask for permission from her local Strelkie emissary when she and her beau, Clock Dancin' decide to get married.

Rose knows that the emissary will deny them. She has seen it happen before, when her cousin Ann asked to marry her own beau and was not only denied, but lost her man to be conscripted into the city for breeding purposes.

Rose does not wish to lose Dancin' in this way, and she realizes that she and her fiancé must flee their village and find refuge in a place called Afar if they are ever to be free together. Of course, this is easier said than done, and by the time everything shakes out, Rose has a lot more blood on her hands than she started out with.

Author Michael Ryan Hahn secures his place as one of the best modern steampunk authors of our time with this electric novel of love, strength and family.I simply couldn't put this down and I'm sure that other readers will agree.

'Pistol Rose and the Wedding that Sparked a War' is a once in a lifetime reading experience that will leave you wanting more!



Buy Pistol Rose and the Wedding that Sparked a War by Michael Ryan Hahn


Giveaway Pistol Rose and the Wedding that Sparked a War by Michael Ryan Hahn

This giveaway is for 2 copies. The winners will have the choice of print or ebook. This giveaway is open worldwide and on November 23, 2023 midnight, pacific time. Entries accepted via Rafflecopter only. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow Pistol Rose and the Wedding that Sparked a War by Michael Ryan Hahn

Teddy Rose Book Reviews  17 Guest Review Gracie & Excerpt Dawn Bound 4 Escape Oct 18 Guest Review Mark and Interview Lyn Romance that's 'out of this world Oct Oct 18 Guest Review Sal Gud Reader Goodreads Oct 19 Review Melissa Must Read Faster Oct 20 Review & Guest Post Linda Lu Goodreads Oct 23 Review Lu Ann Rockin' Book Reviews Oct 24 Review & Guest Post DT Chantel Amazon Oct 26 Review Kathleen Celticlady’s Reviews Oct 27 Guest Review Laura & Guest Post Mike Goodreads Oct 30 Review Melissa C. Deliciously Savvy Nov 1 Guest Review Betty & Excerpt Leslie Storeybook Reviews Nov 2 Guest Review Nora BookGirl Goodreads & Amazon Nov 3 Review Suzie My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews Nov 6 Review & Excerpt Denise  Nov 8 Review Bee Book Pleasures Nov 9 Review & Interview Liam Goodreads Nov 13 Review Tammy TTC Books a more Nov 14 Guest Review- Betty B. Smitty Goodreads Nov 15 Review Cynthia Old Book Shanty Nov 16 Guest review-Ellen 




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Thursday, 8 June 2023

Celebrate Weddings Bookish Event

I’m so excited to be a part of N. N. Light’s Book Heaven Celebrate Weddings Bookish Event. The second book in the Destiny Trilogy is featured today. (Each book is a standalone although some characters appear in all three books). My excerpt comes at the end of the book and is a bit of a spoiler - but hey, it may be a science fiction adventure, but it's also a romance and what's a romance if the hero and heroine don't get their h.e.a.? We know it will happen eventually however difficult or seemingly impossible the journey.


I'm just thrilled to be part of this event with so many amazing authors taking part. Check out all books featuring weddings and enter the giveaway to win a $15 Amazon gift card: a Rafflecopter giveaway

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Chandelier - spotlight an #Giveaway



by Michael Leon


GENRE: SF/ Fantasy Romance


CHANDELIER is the genre-bending SF/fantasy-romance novel follow up of Michael Leon’s 2019 fantasy-romance book, PHANTOMS. A century has passed since the fabled Phantom ruled the Garnier Opera House. Technology has advanced, and AI has evolved beyond human knowledge. They reside in a virtual Earth, free from the ravages of an environmentally damaged Earth where humans and post-humans live under AI’s qualified governance. CHANDELIER follows one AI sentient’s journey, Benny, whose loyalty for a famous opera singer, Madame D’Arenberg, sets him on a dangerous course, entangling him in The Phantom of the Opera’s deadly web. 



The twilight between tired revellers and early morning risers had become Erik’s refuge, a place where the pains of past and present could coalesce in his ritual of the macabre. He’d dreamt of his tormentors again, beasts controlled by masters who understood their canine's savagery as intimately as a mother
knew her child and recurring nightly, taunting his mind.

Chilly breezes flowed down from the Lepontine Alps, carving patterns across Lake Como, so he drew his coat closer, protecting all but his face, but he wouldn't feel an arctic breeze there. He touched his pale cheeks, not to warm them for they were permanently cold, an immovable party mask. Instead, he felt the rough texture of the implanted skin, grafted to his face. Habitually, he reached into his coat pocket for a medicated ointment that soothed and camouflaged his face in equal measure.

A single boat predictably made its way toward the Bellagio port, the first for the day, in wait for the steady procession of commuters and tourists that would navigate the Lombardy region, Italy's foothills to the Swiss alps. The light from the slow-moving boat cast a darker than usual spotlight on the famous U-shaped lake, lit by its twin light, a crescent moon. It took Erik back to a dark past when he ruled the Garnier from the recesses of its famous lake chamber. His rule was cut short through carelessness, a mistake he would not repeat. He’d return to the jewel of the opera crown and rule that grand world again, but this time he'd lead it from the stage rather than Garnier’s hidden lake.

 Were similar dark secrets contained in the black depths of Lake Como? The thought made him grimace, drawing pain. He held his mouth and cheeks, soothing the scar lines camouflaged beneath a thick beard. The scars, like his name, Erik, were all that remained of his past life, contingencies needed to protect him from those who’d seek to destroy him.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

 Michael Leon is an explorer, writer and author of the new novel, Sentient. Professionally trained in international trade, Michael has spent the last decade reading and writing SFF novels about new worlds

to be explored in the future. His latest work, Sentient, imagines Earth in the year 2120. His next novel, Chandelier, will be released in 2022. Michael has travelled extensively around Europe, walking the paths of his characters, from the famous European opera houses in Phantoms to the mountain tops of Switzerland in Emissary.











One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway









For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Undoing Time, Spotlight and #Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Rachel Dacus will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

I will be reviewing this book shortly so please look out for my review.

Liv Pomeroy’s high hopes and lavish lifestyle come horribly undone when her fiancé runs off with her maid of honor. Swearing off love forever, she goes on a summer escape to Florence, Italy. Agreeing to help her cousin May raise funds for an art restoration project, Liv is astonished to find they share a genetic gift for undoing time. Soon she’s joining a team of time travelers who rescue history from those who would change it. And fighting her attraction to a sexy time traveling colleague, who just might turn out to be working for the wrong side in the American Revolution. A thrilling tale of time travel, romance, and espionage.

Read an Excerpt

He turned to look at her, his brown eyes wide, but his brows pulled together in concern. “Are you going to be okay?”

The smoke from the 1906 earthquake was thick in the air. She repressed a choke. “I’ll be fine.”

“Are you cold? You look like you’re shivering.”

That wasn’t why she was shivering Liv looked down at her clothes and was startled to find herself swathed in a long skirt of heavy silk brocade. Her petticoat rustled its many folds. She was encased in so many layers, she might have been wearing an overcoat to shield her from the wind.

“I’m not cold.”

She turned again and looked down the hill, seeing the ferry building and docks, a familiar landmark. Her emotions calmed.

A man in a bowler hat passed them.

“What’s happening?” Tom asked.

“You’re aware, surely,” the man said. “You see the smoke, the rubble. Pardon me, I must find my family.”

He scooted down the hill.

“In a matter of days, people begin to thirst and even starve,” Tom said. “Half the city is homeless. I just wanted to know if that fellow was a helper.”

“A helper?”

“San Franciscans who had something left began to help the others. The city grew together under the devastation. I wasn’t kidding when I said half of everyone here is homeless, or nearly so.”

Liv couldn’t reply. The enormity of what she was seeing choked her. Tears rolled down her face, and when she wiped them away, soot came off her hand. Her face must have already grown gray with the ash from fires. Tom’s had too.

About the Author:
RACHEL DACUS writes about history, love, romance, and art – usually with a touch of the supernatural. If time travel were possible, she’d hop over to Renaissance Rome, and then check out how the American Revolutionary War is going, and maybe visit an 18th century London artist’s studio. A poet and novelist, Dacus has published four novels and four poetry collections. When not writing, she listens to music, new and old, from indie and progressive rock to classical and jazz. Once a dancer, she’s now an avid walker, often twice a day -- once for the Muse and once for the world’s liveliest Silky Terrier. She blogs about the writing life and has collected a wealth of writing and publishing resources.












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Thursday, 6 May 2021

Cover Reveal fr ACCIDENTAL FAE (Includes #Giveaway)


Accidental Fae
Fae War Chronicles Book 1
by Jessica Wayne
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Ember is dying.
Orphaned and unexplainably ill, Ember buys a one-way ticket to Ireland in hopes of finding peace before she passes onto the afterlife. But a wrong turn lands her in the clutches of a ruthless fae king, and Ember quickly realizes there are fates worse than death.
Held captive in his own castle.
Imprisoned beneath the castle he should have been ruling, Rafferty's barely surviving when a fiery stranger stumbles down the steps and illuminates a part of him he long believed lost forever. Trusting her may be his only option, but Rafferty has a curse of his own, and letting her too close could prove deadly to them both.
Perfect for fans of Karen Marie Moning, Sarah J. Maas, Kelly St. Clare, and Miranda Honfleur, Accidental Fae will bring you to the brink. It's explosive plot and outstanding cast will take you on one hell of a ride!
Fans of Jessica Wayne's bestselling Vampire Huntress Chronicles will recognize more than one familiar face in this series!
For a LIMITED TIME only, you can pre-order this intense series starter for only $.99 cents!!

Bestselling author Jessica Wayne writes paranormal and fantasy romance. She lives in Texas with her husband, three kids, and their two dogs.
She is skittle obsessed, enjoys the occasional whiskey, and is an ambassador for the mix-matched socks movement.
A believer in true love, Jessica also believes that good things are worth fighting for, and sometimes you have to risk it all to find your place in the world.

Read an unedited excerpt, grab some goodies 
and enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card here!







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