Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to read and write fiction!
Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. If you'd like to share your own 8-10 sentence snippet, whether published or not, follow the link and sign up. It's a great community to be a part of! Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed in the link Below:Weekend Writing Warriors for Eight Sentence Sunday
Snippet Sunday Facebook Group
I'm currently posting snippets from Starquest, Volume 1 in the Destiny Trilogy .
Jess has been rescued from her crippled ship by the starship Destiny. The more she gets to know the crew, the more Jess feels uneasy about Kerry Marchant, the ship's second in command. Although the rest of the crew seems to have accepted her and she is anxious to make herself a useful member, she is aware of Kerry's mistrust.

Here's the link to last week's excerpt
(slight punctuation editing to conform to sentence count)
She was coming to know the ship almost as well as she had known her own vessel. A skilled pilot herself, she was happy to tackle many of the routine operating tasks, plus some of those that were not so routine. Despite his aloofness, she found herself learning a great deal from Kerry. She observed the way he handled the ship, the instructions he gave to the computers. It seemed like second nature to him. On one occasion, at Jon’s direction, she was perfecting a complicated navigational manoeuvre with the manual controls, under Kerry’s supervision. “She’s a large, powerful ship,” he said, “and needs handling with a delicate touch -- too much pressure and you would lose her.” Jess glanced at him, frowning. Perhaps the ship wasn’t the only thing that needed delicate handling. He placed his hands lightly over hers to guide them, and to her embarrassment, she felt her heart thud uncomfortably against her ribs and a blush of colour burn her cheeks.

This and the other two books in the Destiny Trilogy can be seen and purchased at:
(All three books can be read as 'standalones')
When Jestine Darnell is rescued from her sabotaged starship by the crew of the Destiny her only objective is to complete her mission and keep her promise to save a world from slavery. Love is the last thing on her mind. However, she has not counted on losing her heart to Kerry Marchant the ship’s second in command, who makes his distrust of her painfully obvious, despite the chemistry between them. The completion of her mission has consequences that neither of them could have foreseen.
Enter Dahll Tarron, who becomes involved in a long and dangerous quest to find the Destiny. Fates become intertwined, perils shared, culminating in the realization that sometimes love may be so close that there is a danger it will not be recognized until it is too late…
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