Picture courtesy of EarthSky website |
I 'm sure you know by now I write Science fiction romance, Two reasons for this. ROMANCE -
I am an incurable romantic!
when I was young the word 'science' put me off reading Science Fiction - I'm sorry I loathe the term 'sci-fi' not sure why, it just sounds derogatory to me somehow. I know everyone uses it, it's just me! But I have no illusions about myself - I know what I write can more accurately be termed 'Space Opera' rather than 'real' science fiction, and I'm fine with that. Strange isn't it, how some words can grate on us and others might rub someone else up the wrong way but sound fine to our own ears!

Anyway, I digress. I have always loved looking at the night sky, with its myriad stars. Thinking that each star is a sun, whose light has taken countless light years to get to us - and imagining what it would be like to explore space, and visit strange new worlds. What I didn't realise at the time (I'm talking about when I
very young!) was that this is actually the basis of much of popular science fiction, rather than the monsters and laboratory test tubes I had imagined. One of the first Science Fiction books I read was Ray Bradbury's 'The Martian Chronicles' and I was hooked, and I swiftly devoured books by Arthur C Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Anne McCaffrey etc. I knew I'd found my genre and wrote my first SF adventure 'Starquest' several years ago. It started off as a straight futuristic adventure but rapidly changed to a romance, I find it possible to write anything without a love interest!
I subscribe to an online newsletter called
EarthSky which as well as a wealth of information, also has the most beautiful photographs many of them from hubble. The one on the top of this page is The Bubble Nebula. I think its absolutely stunning. Who knew there were bubbles in space! If you believe God created the Universe, He must surely have a great sense of humour - as well as a wonderous sense of beauty.
Don't Forget
I'm taking part in the fantastic Spring Fling, with loads of prizes.
"If you’re ready to win one of several prizes, hang on to your hat because it’s time for our 2016 Spring Fling Giveaway! For the second year in a row we’re celebrating spring by giving away a slew of prizes that readers love! So get ready, set, go, and enter our 2016 Spring Fling Giveaway today and everyday through April 18-30. Meet new authors, find incredible book deals (many free and heavily discounted books by Amazon, NY Times, and USA Bestsellers) in the genres you love! What could you win? How about a Kindle Fire 6″ HD ($99), A Kindle Kid’s Bundle ($99), 1-Year of Amazon Prime ($99), Amazon gift cards ($50, $25, $25), or a Ghirardelli Chocolate gift basket. Yum!
What: Spring Fling Giveaway.
When: Apr. 18-30, 2016
$440 in Prizes: 1 – Kindle Fire 6″ HD ($99), 1 – Kindle Kid’s Bundle ($99), 1 – 1-Year Amazon prime ($99), $50, $25, and $25 Amazon eCards, and a Ghirardelli Chocolate gift basket ($40). That’s $440 in prizes!
HINT: There is no purchase necessary to win or enter, but you get BONUS points when you buy a book. So scroll through the book covers and check out the titles that appeal to you. You just might find a new favorite author! Best of all, a portion of your purchase(s) will support Pencils of Promise. Click on the book covers to connect your purchase to Pencils of Promise."
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If you would like to purchase my book, BELOVED ENEMY, scroll down towards the bottom of that page, my book cover is the first cover on the third line from the bottom.
And don't forget, if you buy one of the books on the site you'll not only be eligible to win a prize but you'll be helping 'Pencils Of Promise' and Global Education too.