Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to read and write! We've got a variety of genres and talented writers just waiting for you to come sample their work.
Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed Below:
If you'd to share your own 8-10 sentence snippet, whether published or not, follow the link and sign up. It's a great community to be a part of!

Jess has been rescued from her crippled ship by the crew of the Destiny but Kerry Marchant, the ship's second in command does not trust her and demands to know the truth.
You can read last week's snippet HERE
Her voice took on an edge as she went on. “Their main
settlement, Mirrahn, has been taken over by invaders from the Omega Quadrant,
led by a mutant warlord known as Ayandos. He has tremendous power over his own
people as well as the Phidians, it’s something akin to hypnosis, they seem to
obey him mindlessly. He plans to bring in more ships and take over the planet.”
She clenched her fists until her knuckles whitened. “He’s
ripping up the land to get at her ores and precious stones and has made slaves
of her inhabitants. Worse than this, though, he intends to make Phidia the
prime medical centre for that part of the galaxy. They’ve made tremendous
advances in cloning, nano and transplant surgery, bio-regeneration and preventive
medicine among other things, he intends to grow rich on their knowledge.”
“Surely,” Jon put in quietly, “it mightn’t be such a bad
thing for the Phidians to share their knowledge with other worlds and
“They always have, that’s
how Ayandos was able to take control so easily. They have never tried to
prevent anyone from visiting the planet, and their services are available to
anyone who needs them. Now, with Ayandos as dictator, only the wealthiest will
be able to afford treatment.” She pushed back her hair and met his gaze. “I’ve
known these people a long time – I’ve grown to love them and they trust me.
They begged me to fetch help before it’s too late.”
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