For the first time ever there is a paranormal category.

There are five other categories: Contemporary, Epic, Historical, Romantic Comedy and Young Adult, plus the RoNA Rose for shorter fiction. So many wonderful books in the running. The awards will be announced at the RNA Awards Ceremony on the 13th March by guest presenter Prue Leith. Although I'm not really expecting to get any further with such great authors in the running, wish me and Kerry and Cat luck!
He pulled her back toward him and looked deep into her eyes.Something she saw in those blue depths struck her heart. The pain that never left them went so deep. This man bore scars far worse than the physical one running faintly below his left eye…worse even than the mental scars she harboured herself.
Almost without thinking, she put her hands on each side of his face and pressed her lips to his in a brief kiss, then drew back. For a moment he hesitated, before pulling her close again, so close she gasped. He brushed his thumb along her lips, until she parted them in surrender. A shockwave like electricity ran through her, sending her senses reeling in the ecstasy of the moment. She’d sworn never to let a man betray her again. Every man she’d ever known, even her own father, had let her down, lied to her, and deceived her. Yet at this moment,with this man, every nerve in her body ached with sweet desire.
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