It's a great privilege and pleasure to welcome my dear friend Sky Purington to the Flight Deck once again. Welcome Sky - and may I say what a gorgeous cover you have - and it matches my blog! LOL
Viking Heart
Sky Purington
Genre: Time-travel Fantasy Romance
Date of Publication: June 4, 2015
ASIN: B00V1653EK
Number of pages: 260
Word Count: 87,000
Cover Artist: Tamra Westberry
Book Description:

Of dragon blood and brother to
the king, Kol Sigdir ‘the lucky’ has been determined to avoid his fate since
the moment he promised himself, sight unseen, to a woman from the future. He
adores all women and it’s no easy thing knowing he has to eventually pledge his
heart to just one…until he meets Amber. A spirited artist and musician, she
captivates him. When she offers him a soul-deep glimpse at what was missing
from his life, he soon wonders how he will ever be able to let her go.
As Kol and Amber grow closer,
they face multiple threats. Eager for revenge, King Alrek declares war. To make
matters worse, he has an ally nobody could have anticipated. One determined to
see everything come to an end.
Hearts struggle, rip apart, and
then are rebuilt when the laws of time are tossed aside. A thousand years means
nothing when two star-crossed souls are meant to connect. Even so, will the
strength of love be enough to withstand a powerful enemy and bridge a gap
across time already closed?
Available at

And just like
him, there was nothing but lust in their eyes.
He didn’t
recognize the low growl in his chest and had no idea he was heading in her
direction until he was halfway there. Her sisters might be a solid wall of
protection around Amber but far too many men were contemplating a way past
them. Even with the potential wrath of the king and Raknar coming down on them,
several clearly thought the loot well worth the inevitable punishment.
She must have
said something about the instrument because Kol had nearly reached Amber when
one of the men stopped playing his drum and handed it to her. Red dragon haze
skirted the corners of his vision when the musician wrapped his arms around her
from behind. Though he was only showing her how to use the drum, Kol also knew
he was just as aroused as the men now forming a circle around her.
A dagger at the
ready, he stopped beside her sisters and glared at any man willing to meet his
eyes…which were few. No, they weren’t just lusting but downright enchanted by
Amber. Even his eyes were snagged from protecting her when warm laughter
bubbled up from her chest. She tossed her hair over a shoulder and winked at
the man behind her. Arms crossed over his chest, Kol was impressed with how
smoothly she kept the musician from pressing too close while simultaneously
making him feel like the world revolved around him.
He had never
seen anything quite like it.
From a woman
that is.
Hel, Amber
maneuvered a man nearly as well as Kol maneuvered a woman.
And that’s
precisely what they did. Made the opposite sex feel special until they tired
and moved on to the next. But Kol would bet that like him, she rarely left a
man lacking. If anything, she left them happier than they were prior.
“I knew it
wouldn’t take her long to make herself at home,” Megan murmured and bumped
shoulders with him. “Put away the dagger, Champ. She’ll be all right.”
“I’m sure she
will.” But he didn’t put away the dagger. Better that his fellowmen see his
intentions…or at least that she was under his protection. Yet even as he tried
to keep his attention on the bastards around her, he soon became as enamored as
the rest when she held the crossbar beneath with expertise and started playing
the drum. She had a way of moving her hand in such a way that the sound made
the listener feel the passion within her.
Blatant sensuality.
The woman
possessed a natural eroticism that simmered beneath the surface of every move
she made. Kol watched the speed and roll of her hand, imagining that same hand
playing his body with as much talent and hunger. Because there was a definite
hunger in the sound she created. One that originated in the depths of her soul.
A soul that felt things far more deeply than most.
Though Kol
narrowed his eyes at the man behind her, he didn’t need to. Amber was handling
him perfectly as she pulled away and nodded her thanks. Then her eyes met the
women playing the pipes and she offered a dazzling smile as they caught her
Captivated, he
couldn’t decide which part of her he wanted to eye more. Her animated face, the
way her hand deftly worked the instrument or the sway of her lovely hips as she
moved in synchronization to the beat she created.
the Author:

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