Hello fellow Snippeteers and readers. Welcome to my Weekend Warriors post. I'm continuing this week with another snippet from my fantasy novella, Dancing With Fate. Thank you to everyone who's been following my snippets so far.
Don't forget to visit the other authors at the link above, there's something for all tastes.
Last time:
Terpsichore, muse of dance, is dancing naked near a waterfall in 5th century Wales, unaware that she is being observed by Myrddin. Swiftly and magically clothing herself in her Celtic garb she admires the stranger.
SNIPPET (as usual, a little manipulation of punctuation to fit regulations.)
Forgive me, lady, I had no wish to intrude, or to startle you."
"No, that much is apparent."
Was he laughing at her - his tone was polite, but his eyes held a sparkle that threatened to make her forget she was a goddess.
She pulled her brat closer around her, "what brings you here stranger, so far away from any township?"
He smiled, "I was about to ask the same of you, and my name's not 'Stranger', it's Myrddin, Myrddin Ab Morfryn."
"You may call me, Cora."
He raised a quizzical eyebrow, "and do you mind if I ask where you are travelling to—alone?"
"I am returning home—to my family."
"There are dangers for a young woman alone—is your home far - Perhaps we could ride together. Two travelling together are safer than one."
Terpsichore and Myrddin face a deadly force that threatens to part them forever. Is she destined to lose the only man she has ever truly loved? Is there nothing she can do to save him? Finally, when all seems lost, in desperation she finds herself DANCING WITH FATE.
From one minute past midnight Pacific time on July 1 until After 11:59pm Pacific time on July 31 DANCING WITH FATE will be on sale for ONLY 99c so if you have been enjoying the snippets and would like to read the whole novella at the bargain price of 99c go to:
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/53249 You will see the full price but will be only be charged 99c at the checkout. (You do need to register but it's fairly painless and doesn't cost you anything!) Please note, This offer isn't available at Amazon, or any other retailer, it's a Smashwords special promotion.