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(This is only a rough draft to give the gist of the novel, and is subject to change and edits - and improvement on the creative punctuation which is needed to adhere to the ten sentence rule!)
Summary: Megan, new to the village, is delivering some medication to her neighbour, and finds him having a problem with a pony his employee, Evan, was trying to ride.
“Oh, it’s all right, I wasn’t in any hurry.”
No, she wasn’t in any hurry, in fact, she wouldn’t have minded listening to Glyn Phillips’ lyrical Welsh accent all evening. He probably wouldn’t appreciate her taking up his time chatting though, when he had a recalcitrant pony to catch and unsaddle, and most likely numerous other jobs needing to be done. All at once he stared past her to the paddock with a startled exclamation.

A young boy, who could not have been older than about eight or nine years old, had ducked under the fence on the other side of the paddock. He walked calmly toward the gate, leading the chestnut pony with the air of one who knew exactly what he was doing.
The mare’s ears twitched contentedly to and fro, as she walked calmly beside him, although Megan thought she saw something suspiciously like a gleam in the pony's large, dark eyes.
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