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Beloved Enemy joined Starquest and Children of the Mist to continue the Destiny Trilogy and I'm thrilled to announce was shortlisted for the R.N.A. RoNA Awards 2017, awarded 2nd Runner up in the RONE Awards 2017 and was the winner in the SF/Fantasy category of the 'Best Banter Contest'.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Cover Reveal and #Giveaway for Saven Disclosure by Siobahn Davis

Today is the cover reveal for Saven: Disclosure by Siobhan Davis. This cover reveal is organized by Lola's Blog Tours
Saven: Disclosure (Saven #2) By Siobhan Davis Genre: Science Fiction Romance Age category: Young Adult Release Date: April 21, 2016

Saven Disclosure
Blurb: THE TRUTH WON'T STAY HIDDEN FOREVER To protect Logan, I've no choice but to betray his trust. The stakes are high, and there are no guarantees. But I'm not the only one hiding the truth. Will our love survive all the secrets and lies? Enemy alien ships crowd the skies over Earth while the world waits with bated breath. The Saven have been exposed, and where once they were abhorred, they are now championed as our greatest ally and our only possible savior. Logan and Sadie have been separated, and the longer he is gone, the more their love is tested by duty, doubts, and deception. Sadie and Jarod have infiltrated the highest levels of government, but they are playing a dangerous game. Surrounded by people with conflicting agendas--hell-bent on using her for their own aim--Sadie is confused when the lines between good and evil are blurred. It's impossible to tell friend from foe, and no one can be trusted. When the full extent of the experiments taking place in Sector Twenty is disclosed, Sadie can no longer sit back and watch as the lower classes face a horrific fate. Racing to save her loved ones and mankind, she risks her own safety and the love she's waited a lifetime for to do the right thing. But no one thought to save her from herself.
You can find Saven Disclosure on Goodreads You can pre-order Saven Disclosure here: - Amazon USA - Amazon UK - Amazon Canada - Amazon Australia
Excerpt from Saven Disclosure:
 I pad into the kitchen and hoist myself up onto a stool at the counter. Haydn slides two muffins and a home-made smoothie across to me.

 “You trying to fatten me up?” I inquire

“You need to eat more when you’re training.”

“I’m sure I read somewhere that you should eat more protein when in training. I doubt you’re supposed to be indulging in calorie-laden treats.”

“Watch your mouth!”

Haydn swats me with a dish towel. “Those muffins are made with bran, yoghurt, honey, and fruit. All natural. And totally healthy. Now shut up and eat.”

“Ooh, get you! All right!” I hold my hands up in defeat. “But I doubt I’ll manage two.”

“You can give one to Jarod in work,” he suggests.

I snort. “As if he’d eat anything you prepared! I’d have to lie and tell him I baked it myself.” Jarod isn’t over his aversion to aliens. And that’s putting it mildly. He absolutely refuses to go anywhere with me outside of work if any of my Saven friends is involved, and he hasn’t ever stepped foot in this apartment. It’s a constant source of tension between us; the cause of more than a few arguments. I understand he’s pissed over the whole memory-erase situation, and the fact that enemy alien ships still hover in our skies doesn’t do much to ease any human’s apprehension, but I’ve tried explaining, time and time again, that we have nothing to fear from Logan and Co., but he won’t hear a word of it. While I’m grateful that Jarod managed to make it out of Thalassic City safely, and I’m thrilled to be working in the same building as him, sometimes I could happily bash his head against the wall.

Note from the author: This is from the unedited draft and the final version is subject to change.

Praise for Saven Deception (Saven #1):

"The heir to the Lux series." Natasha Anne. Dreamland Teenage Fantasy.

"The worldbuilding and characters leap off the page and come alive with flawless writing and a plot that had me engrossed and on the edge of my seat."
Dali. TJ Loves to Read.

"Gripping Read. From the start I was drawn into the world and felt like I was experiencing everything right next to Sadie."
Patricia Hamill. Author-Blogger Pure Textuality.

"This book had me hooked from the first chapter. An exhilarating ride with many twists and turns. Awesome." Karla. Goodreads Reviewer.

"Siobhan Davis has created yet another world of characters I became very invested in. The premise is an intriguing one ... and it's different enough to stand out from other YA books." Deirdre. Goodreads Reviewer.

"I am beyond excited for this series. Saven Deception was AMAZING and I couldn't put it down. Ms. Davis created an incredible world and I cannot wait to read the next installment." Michelle. Adventure in Bookland.

"Saven Deception was a freaking awesome read! The worldbuilding was fantastic and the romance between Logan and Sadie felt amazingly perfect to me." Poulami, Daydreaming Books.

"Another hidden gem from the treasure trove in Siobhan Davis' mind." Dianne. Tome Tender.

"If you like Jennifer L. Armentrout's books then you'll love Saven Deception." Amazon UK Reviewer.

About the Author: Siobhan Davis writes young adult science fiction fantasy romance books, and she is the author of the Amazon bestselling True Calling series. The first book in her new Saven series was released in December 2015. A self-professed teenager forever--at least when it comes to books, music, and films, Siobhan is totally addicted to teen fiction and superhero/blockbuster movies. She loves baking, shoes, bags, makeup, anti-wrinkle cream, anything pink, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, and Robert Pattinson (definitely Team Edward). Before pursuing a full-time writing career, Siobhan forged a successful corporate career in Human Resources over the last twenty years. She resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons. You can find and contact Siobhan here: - Website - Blog - Facebook - Twitter - Google + - Goodreads - Amazon - Newsletter Sample chapters, quotes, reviews and book excerpts are all available to download from the authors website

There is a cover reveal wide giveaway for the cover reveal of Saven: Disclosure. These are the prizes you can win: - a 5$ amazon gift card - an e-copy of Saven: Deception by Siobhan Davis and an ARC of Saven Disclosure by Siobhan Davis

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

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Tuesday, 16 February 2016

The Astronaut's Princess Spotlight and Giveaway

The Astronaut’s Princess
Cosmic Cowboys Series
Episode 2
Lisa Medley

Genre: Science Fiction Romance

Publisher: Big Cedar

Date of Publication:  02/16/16


Number of pages: 111
Word Count: 33K

Cover Artist: Sweet ‘N Spicy Designs

Book Description:

Astronauts, Aliens, and Apaches? What could possibly go wrong?

Working for a billionaire space entrepreneur has its perks:  a nice paycheck, free room and board, and all the space flight hours a guy could want. But everything has a price.  Astronaut Noah Wright has survived an alien attack, time travel and a wormhole, but the Apache princess he brought back through time may be the death of him.

Ela, only daughter of Chief Itza-Chu of the Mescalero Apaches, finds herself out of place and out of time. Everything she knows of her early 1800’s life has vanished. Her savior and protector, Noah, is kind, but he’s not her family and certainly not Apache. Her only wish is to get home, but returning through the wormhole that brought her to the future threatens more than her past, causing her to have to rediscover what home really is.

Amazon Purchase Link

Chapter One
SpaceXport Base Antigravity Bay, New Mexico – the near future.

“Use the grab bars, Carlton. You’ll never make it to the cargo bay without using the grab bars,” Noah Wright instructed through the intercom to a struggling member of his astronaut training class.
These folks were engineers and scientists, yet the very basic, common sense tasks were somehow the most difficult for them to grasp.

“Stop spinning, Ramirez. What are you? A trapeze performer?” Noah turned the dial on the antigravity control panel. “Prepare for gravity. That’s it for today.”

The class of five settled ungracefully to the ground.


This team tested what remained of his patience. The only saving grace was the first crew was already working on the hotel pod construction. This group? These guys wouldn’t have lasted two months in the NASA program. Noah pinched the bridge of his nose, willing the headache pounding behind his eyes to go away.

Not my circus. Not my monkeys.

Except they were.

The door behind him opened, and Noah closed his eyes tighter, not turning. “Captain? You have a call from sick bay. It’s Ela,” the intern said.

Of course it’s Ela.
Ever since they’d returned through the wormhole with the Apache princess, his literal and metaphorical headaches had begun. Technically, she wasn’t his responsibility. His morality insisted otherwise. He’d been at her bedside for weeks after their return, nursing her back to health. She had begun to recover quickly from a severe case of measles after the first round of vaccines. Considering the shape she’d been in when they’d arrived home, she wouldn’t have made it another week in her time. Hell, she wouldn’t have made it in his time, forty years ago. They even had a vaccine for cancer now. Medicine had come a long way. Physically, she’d recovered. But mentally? Emotionally?
Apparently being dragged more than two hundred fifty years into the future from her 1800s New Mexico home and tribe was going to take longer to adjust to.

Hell, he got it. He did. When they’d landed in the desert and into the past, he’d been overwhelmed and confused. He was currently one of three people on Earth who understood her predicament, but that didn’t make her any more cooperative.

You could take the princess away from the Apaches, but you couldn’t take the Apache out of the princess.

“Captain?” the intern repeated.

“I heard you. I’ll be there in a minute.” The door clicked closed behind him, and Noah took a deep breath. He waited for the training class to clear the hallway before he made his way out. Conversation was the last thing he wanted at the moment. Well, maybe second to the last. Making the long trek to the sick bay for an earful of Apache was currently topping that list.

So far she’d lived up to his every expectation of the title of princess.
Curt. Rude. Demanding.

And 90 percent of the time, he didn’t understand a word she said.

Noah wound his way through the complex, past the construction bay where his transport shuttle was currently being filled with supplies and construction equipment. The ground crew walked with clipboards, doing their final flight checks of the supply-laden transport. Cole and Tessa were already aboard the first of the launched hotel pods, now anchored to and floating near the Moon, readying it for his arrival.

Their employer and benefactor, Duncan Janson, had carried on without them the six months they’d been assumed lost in space after their asteroid mining debacle. And when they’d returned with an alien ship shelled with platinum and a fuel hopper full of asteroid samples? The boon had provided the financial boost Janson needed to launch the next phase of his plan for space tourism.
“Captain,” a voice called from behind him.

Noah spun around abruptly. “What now?” he bit out.

The look on the intern’s face tweaked at Noah’s conscience, but he didn’t apologize. The kid was on his last nerve.

“Never mind. I’ll take care of it.” The intern slunk away, avoiding further eye contact.
Good plan.

The overhead page requesting his presence in the sick bay nearly pushed him over the edge. For a second, he considered walking out of the building, getting into the Bombardier, and driving across the desert until the blasted thing stopped.

Instead, he lowered his head and pounded across the campus to the sick bay.
To his Apache princess.

About the Author:

Lisa has always enjoyed reading about monsters in love and now she writes about them, because monsters need love too.

She adores beasties of all sorts, fictional as well as real, and has a farm full of them in her Southwest Missouri home, including: one child, one husband, two dogs, two cats, a dozen hens, thousands of Italian bees, and a guinea pig.

She may or may not keep a complete zombie apocalypse bug-out bag in her trunk at all times, including a machete. Just. In. Case.






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Tour giveaway

One $10 Amazon Gift Card

Monday, 15 February 2016

Mack by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff - Book Blast and Giveaway


by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff


GENRE: Dark Fantasy


From New York Times Bestseller Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, Comes the New Standalone Story of Mack, a Continuation of the King Trilogy


MY NAME IS MACK. And if I play my cards right, I will soon be dead. Permanently. Not even my powerful twin brother will be able to resurrect me. A good thing. Because a man like me has no business living. Not when I have killed. Not when I have betrayed everyone I have ever cared for. Not when I know I’m destined to do it again.

This is why I have come looking for her—the only one capable of ending me once and for all. But will she think I’m just another insane patient? Or will she believe the truth? I am thousands of years old, my heart too dark to be salvaged.


MY NAME IS TEDDI, short for Theodora. My entire life has been a canvas of grays, whites, and black. I can’t feel, I can’t understand joy, I’ve never truly lived. Until now. His name is Mack, and though he believes he’s cursed, my degree in psychology tells me otherwise. Besides, someone who’s capable of bringing so much light into my life can’t be anything but good.

But I can save him. If he’ll let me.



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Mimi Jean Pamfiloff is a New York Times & USA Today best-selling author of Paranormal and Contemporary Romance. Her books have been #1 genre sellers around the world. Both traditionally and independently published, Mimi has sold over 600,000 books since publishing her first title in 2012, and she plans to spontaneously combust once she hits the one million mark. Although she obtained her international MBA and worked for over 15 years in the corporate world, she believes that it’s never too late to come out of the romance closet and follow your dream.

When not screaming at her computer or hosting her very inappropriate radio show (Man Candy Show on, Mimi spends time with her two pirates in training, her loco-for-the-chili-pepper hubby, and her two rat terriers, DJ Princess Snowflake and Mini Me, in the San Francisco Bay Area.

She continues to hope that her books will inspire a leather pants comeback (for men) and that she might make you laugh when you need it most.



Kindle UK:

Print: Coming Feb. 2016


The author will be awarding a full paperback set (4 books) of the King series to two randomly drawn winners, and one Mack paperback to one randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. (U.S. ONLY)

a Rafflecopter giveaway