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Having fulfilled the mission set by Apollo, Terpsichore the muse of dance is preparing to return to Olympus when she meets the mysterious Myrddin. She is lured towards a host of glimmering, evil red lights, and although she senses the danger, she is now without her powers and has no means of resisting them. Myrddin rescues her and holds her in his arms. They kiss and he releases her swiftly, for he is betrothed to another This leads directly on from last week's snippet ..."Forgive me. It was just...I was so relieved the Ellylldan didn't take you."
SNIPPET (As always, please forgive the creative punctuation to comply with the ten sentence rule.)
"Take me where - and who are the Ellylldan?"

"I had the sense of evil...an evil older than time itself."
Myrddin nodded, "they are certainly an ancient evil...and not confined to Cymru either. They appear in different guises in all four corners of the world."
Terpsichore wondered how he knew so much, it seemed, however, there was a lot about Myrddin she did not know. She wrinkled her nose as the heat from the fire dried the mud on her clothes, producing a putrid smell.
"I think I should bathe and get rid of this mud."
"I think I should bathe and get rid of this mud."
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Terpsichore and Myrddin face a deadly force that threatens to part them forever. Is she destined to lose the only man she has ever truly loved? Is there nothing she can do to save him? Finally, when all seems lost, in desperation she finds herself DANCING WITH FATE.
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