Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to read and write! We've got a variety of genres and talented writers just waiting for you to come sample their work.
Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed Below:
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I'm currently sharing excerpts from Starquest, the first of the Destiny Trilogy
This excerpt continues from last weeks' post
Kerry has come to Jess's cabin on board the starship Destiny, having discerned that she is worried about something, and despite the previous coolness between them is keen to clear the air. Finally the emotions they have been trying to keep from each other rise to the surface.
Creative punctuation editing from published version to keep within sentence limitation.
“It seems,” she said, her voice unsteady, “we’ve both been guilty of trying to hide our true feelings—”
Several minutes later, with obvious reluctance, he released her, his eyes still not leaving hers. “I only came to make sure you were all right, I should leave now, I have heard of the strictness of the Sisterhood -- I do not wish to risk compromising any sacred vows or beliefs—”
She smiled, touched by his consideration in giving her the chance to back away, while she still could. “I’m a missionary, Kerry, not a nun, the Sisterhood only condemns casual liaisons, not genuine relationships.” She lowered her eyes, “I...I’ve never been in love before, not...not like this, but I know nothing that feels this way could be wrong.” She slipped into his arms once more. He pressed her body close to his, and kissed her again, with a tenderness she would not have imagined him capable of a short while before, and she wondered how she could ever have thought him cold.
STARQUEST (The Destiny Trilogy, Vol. 1)
BLURB: When Jestine Darnell is rescued from her sabotaged starship by the crew of the Destiny her only objective is to complete her mission and keep her promise to save a world from slavery. Love is the last thing on her mind. However, she has not counted on losing her heart to Kerry Marchant the ship’s second in command, who makes his distrust of her painfully obvious, despite the chemistry between them. The completion of her mission has consequences that neither of them could have foreseen.
Enter Dahll Tarron, who becomes involved in a long and dangerous quest to find the Destiny. Fates become intertwined, perils shared, culminating in the realization that sometimes love may be so close that there is a danger it will not be recognized until it is too late…
Purchase all three books (or just one, they stand alone, while sharing some of the same characters) at https://www.amazon.com/gp/bookseries/B01MRY3XXT
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