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Having fulfilled the mission set by Apollo, Terpsichore the muse of dance is preparing to return to Olympus when she meets the mysterious Myrddin. Unaware of her goddess status, he invites her to share a meal with him and falls asleep by the campfire. She is lured towards a host of glimmring, evil red lights, and although she senses the danger, she is now without her powers and has no means of resisting them. This is a few passges on from last week's snippet Feeling deserted by both Apollo and her father, Zeus, in desperation she cries out to Myrddin.
SNIPPET (as usual, some creative punctuation to comply with 10 sentence rule)
For the first time in her eternal life, she knew fear.

She turned her head, and at the same moment, there was a flash like lightning. The ground behind her burst into a wall of blue flame, it blotted out everything, engulfing the demon lights and the hideous forms that a moment before had lured her onward.

"Look at me, look at me...don't look back again."
Before she could reply, he swept her up and carried her back toward the campfire.
Eos in her chariot had started her journey across the sky and the pearly light showed their camp and the two horses grazing nearby. Never had anything looked so welcome, never had Terpsichore felt so safe in a man's arms.
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