Hello, dear readers,
I hope you're keeping safe and well.
Continuing my series on Welsh Mythical Creatures, this week we're returning to the sea, and my hometown, Aberystwyth, overlooking Cardigan Bay (which as you will see from the pictures, is actually three bays). This part of the coast is subject to violent storms, so fierce the sea often sweeps over the low stone wall and across the promenade road, and casts sand and pebbles against the buildings facing the ocean.
See the range of hills in the distance? the nearest one has a stone pillar on the top which you might just be able to see, this hill is called Pen Dinas. I used to live on the hill directly behind it, and had a lovely view of the bay (and saw lots of seagulls - 'clue') which brings me to this week's story:
This is quite a sad tale. Once an old man had three beautiful daughters. Dylan Eil Ton the sea god, who lived beneath the waters of Cardigan Bay,
envied the old man his daughters and decided to have the girls for himself. He called up a great storm, and
sent a huge wave to steal the young women.
Their father was heartbroken over their loss.
Regretting his evil deed, Dylan, not wanting to give them up entirely, turned the girls into seagulls, belonging to the sea as well as the land.
Legend says that whenever the old man walked on
the beach and called their names, three white gulls would fly to him from the
Oh, an exciting bit of news - I'm being inerviewed on the British radio show CHAT AND SPIN
https://chatandspinradio.com/ this evening at 6.35 p.m. (1.35 pm Eastern
time for my friends in the U.S.). The radio show plays great music and
is a wonderful supporter of authors and the arts in general.
I'll let you know how it goes next week!

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rather than read it,there are some really great books available in audio.
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Starquest: https://freeaudiobookcodes.com/?q=starquest
Children of the Mist: https://freeaudiobookcodes.com/?q=children+of+the+mist
Beloved Enemy:https://freeaudiobookcodes.com/https://freeaudiobookcodes.com/?q=Beloved+Enemy
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