Last time:
Terpsichore, muse of dance, has completed her mission in 5th Century Wales. (or so she thinks. She decides to bathe in a waterfall before she leaves.
(As usual, some creative editing of punctuation and slight variation from published version to comply with 10 sentence rule)
Terpsichore, muse of dance, has completed her mission in 5th Century Wales. (or so she thinks. She decides to bathe in a waterfall before she leaves.
(As usual, some creative editing of punctuation and slight variation from published version to comply with 10 sentence rule)
Shaking her arms free of the silvery drops of water, the muse then squeezed the wetness from her long hair, of which she was inordinately proud. Of all her womanly attributes, she loved her hair the best. It was so fine and silky; it took hardly any time to dry. She spread her arms and let the warm air vanquish the last of the moisture from her skin. Oh, this land was fair, she raised her arm in salute to Helios, knowing he could see whatever his warmth touched.
Terpsichore twirled around on tiptoe, bending back her head and taking in the craggy mountaintops, the trees full-leafed and swaying slightly in the warm breeze. On an impulse, she began to dance, she conjured up a silky himation between her fingers and swirled it above her head as she moved to the accompaniment of her own voice. So involved was she in her dancing she failed to realize she was no longer alone.
At last, she stepped out onto the grass that fringed the pool and looked skyward. How long had she been bathing -- Helios was already on his homeward journey, although his light still warmed the air and he had not yet painted the sky in its twilight hues.

Terpsichore and Myrddin face a deadly force that threatens to part them forever. Is she destined to lose the only man she has ever truly loved? Is there nothing she can do to save him? Finally, when all seems lost, in desperation she finds herself DANCING WITH FATE.
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