Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to read and write! We've got a variety of genres and talented writers just waiting for you to come sample their work.
Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed below:
If you'd to share your own 8-10 sentence snippet, whether published or not, follow the link and sign up. It's a great community to be a part of!
I'm currently sharing excerpts from Children Of The Mist the second book. For those who aren't familiar with my excerpts, this story is set on Niflheim, a planet close to the heart of Jess, who features in the first book, whose inhabitants are telepathic. The heroine is one of her closest friends, Tamarith.Tamarith is currently nursing a broken heart, but since Vidarh is a guest in her house she can hardly avoid talking to him can she?
Thank you so much to everyone who voted for the cover of BELOVED ENEMY, the third book in the Destiny series. I really, really appreciate your support.
This week's snippet takes place on the day following his arrival. Well fed and rested, he goes outside into the morning sunshine and spots Tamarith.
Thanks to everyone who has been following this series, and left comments xx
You can read last week's excerpt HERE
She sensed his mind discreetly touch hers and realized he was staring at her keenly. She turned back to face him, returning his questioning glance and studying him in turn.
Taller than average, and broad-shouldered, today he wore a sleeveless, belted leather shirt over thick breeches, with long, icecat-wool lined boots. His upper arms were well muscled, his skin tanned as if he were used to working outdoors. His curly, dark auburn hair, kept away from his face with a plain leather band, reached almost to his shoulders, it caught the sun's rays and gleamed like the polished dark red wood of the trees that flanked the feet of the mountains.
She took in his clear, hazel eyes, with their friendly twinkle, strong jaw line and smiling mouth. He would have been fighting off the local unattached young women if the situation they found themselves in were not so serious.
Not that she was particularly interested in his looks, or those of any other man, for that matter. No, something else about Vidarh of Ragnak excited her curiosity.
It's about yesterday...
Taller than average, and broad-shouldered, today he wore a sleeveless, belted leather shirt over thick breeches, with long, icecat-wool lined boots. His upper arms were well muscled, his skin tanned as if he were used to working outdoors. His curly, dark auburn hair, kept away from his face with a plain leather band, reached almost to his shoulders, it caught the sun's rays and gleamed like the polished dark red wood of the trees that flanked the feet of the mountains.
She took in his clear, hazel eyes, with their friendly twinkle, strong jaw line and smiling mouth. He would have been fighting off the local unattached young women if the situation they found themselves in were not so serious.
Not that she was particularly interested in his looks, or those of any other man, for that matter. No, something else about Vidarh of Ragnak excited her curiosity.
It's about yesterday...

Two minds united against a common foe. Two hearts afraid to show their love: Long ago Tamarith fell in love with a man she can never have, and is convinced she will never love another. However, she cannot help but be intrigued by a handsome stranger whose psychic powers exceed even her own.
Vidarh seeks only to find his true purpose in life and to win the regard of his father, who eschews his son’s psychic abilities. Thrown together by a common threat to their planet, then torn apart by an evil greater than any they could have imagined, can Vidarh save the lovely Nifl woman who has captivated him, before it is too late?
Will Tamarith and Vidarh overcome the deadly enemy who threatens to destroy all they know and love? Will they find the happiness they both seek? Or are they fated to live their lives alone?
Purchase all three books (or just one, they stand alone, while sharing some of the same characters) at https://www.amazon.com/gp/bookseries/B01MRY3XXT
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