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feel free to explore the Flight Deck and check out my books and website.
Then fasten your seatbelts, sip a glass of something sparkling and let's chat awhile!
I hope you'll stop by again for guest authors and spotlights from time to time.

Beloved Enemy joined Starquest and Children of the Mist to continue the Destiny Trilogy and I'm thrilled to announce was shortlisted for the R.N.A. RoNA Awards 2017, awarded 2nd Runner up in the RONE Awards 2017 and was the winner in the SF/Fantasy category of the 'Best Banter Contest'.

Showing posts with label Beloved Enemy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beloved Enemy. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 March 2025


Today's Book Quote Word is QUARTER.  the following is an excerpt from BELOVED enemy, the third book in the Destiny Trilogy. The Book Quote Word is in the paragraph below the graphic, and immediately follows on:

“Judging by the reception we received yesterday, it seems they shoot first rather than asking questions. We are not likely to get any help from that QUARTER, even if we find an inhabited settlement.”

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share!
I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Friday, 7 June 2019


Just in time for AUDIO BOOK MONTH, the long-awaited audio version of the third book in the Destiny Trilogy, BELOVED ENEMY, narrated by Drea Hope, has just been released. If you would like to listen to a sample of the first chapter it's now available at

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

I'm excited to announce that the long-awaited audio version of the third book in the Destiny Trilogy, BELOVED ENEMY, narrated by Drea Hope, has just been released. If you would like to listen to a sample of the first chapter it's now available at

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

"Try that again and I'll blow your head off..."#Book Hook' from Beloved Enemy - #MFRWHooks

Apologies for not posting last week, I was up to my ears in stardust (or something similar). It was Beloved Enemy's  Birthday yesterday, so I thought I'd post another 'hook' from that. (It carries on the confrontation between the two main protagonists from last time.) I'm still eagerly awaiting the audio files which hopefully should be completed soon. Each book in the trilogy has a hero and heroine with there own 'happy ever after' but each story features some of the same characters and a link to the starship Destiny
(I may not be able to comment much tomorrow but I promise I'll try to visit all the 'BookHook blogs and comment on as many as I can in the next few days.)


Cat froze, trying to catch her breath, and clenching her fists in frustration. Damn, how could I have been so careless?

Kerry removed both her gun and his own from her belt, together with her knife, before releasing his stranglehold.

“Did you really think I would stand by and let you  take my gun without trying to get it back?” He gave her a none-too-gentle shove between the shoulder blades, with what felt like the muzzle of one of the guns.

“Don’t let me stop you from carrying on with what you were doing.”

“Go to hell. Shoot me in the back if you must. I’ll be damned if I’ll be your slave.” As she spoke, she kicked back with all her force. Her heel connected with his shin, knocking him off balance. Whirling round, she made use of her momentary advantage to snatch back her gun and level it at his chest. “Try that again and I’ll blow your head off. Now give me back your firearm.”

His eyes glimmered and the blue ice turned to steel. “When hell freezes over. Do you think I’m just going to hand over my blaster and let you shoot me when I’m not looking?”

“We’ve had this conversation before. If I’d wanted to shoot you, I’d have done it straight away and saved myself the trouble of getting you back here.” She gave him a jab in the ribs with the barrel of her pistol by way of emphasis.

“Then why are you still pointing a gun at me?”

For a long moment, he held her with his gaze. She felt her skin tingle, and quivers of awareness chased themselves up and down her spine. Without speaking, and watching him like a predator watches its prey, she lowered her weapon as he laid his on the table between them.

Cat Kincaid is obsessed with killing the man she believes is responsible for the torture and death of her sister, but when she eventually catches up with him, survival becomes a greater priority than revenge.

Kerry Marchant, haunted by memories, regret, and self-blame, shields himself from the pain of the past by committing himself totally to the starship, Destiny, of which he is part owner. However, the beautiful, red-haired woman who reminds him of his lost love, and who he suspects is working for a corrupt regime, represents a possible threat not only to the ship, but to his heart.

Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?

Available from:
Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

All three books in the Destiny Trilogy can be found on my Amazon Author Page:

Please don't forget to visit the blogs below for more 'book hooks'.

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

"Yes, I know who you are." #Book Hook' from Beloved Enemy - #MFRWHooks

I'm posting another excerpt from the third book in the Destiny Trilogy, the award winning 'Beloved Enemy',  which will soon be joining the first two books Starquest and Children of the Mist as an audio book, as well as in eBook and paperback. Each book has a hero and heroine with there own 'happy ever after' but each story features some of the same characters and a link to 
the starship Destiny

EXCERPT (carries on a little further from my first excerpt too weeks ago.)

“The name suits you.” It did not sound like a compliment. “I am Kerry Marchant.”

“Yes, I know who you are.” She ignored his quizzical look. “As I said earlier, don’t get any ideas. This ‘cat’ has claws.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

She activated the small cleansing unit housed in an alcove set into the bulkhead and ran her hands through the antiseptic mist. “How’s the shoulder? D’you want
me to look at it?”

“No need. The regenerator seems to have done its job.” He unclipped his pack and withdrew a compressed black garment. “Is there somewhere I can clean up and change my tunic?”

“Help yourself. There’s a washroom back there,” she said, indicating a small door behind him. While he was occupied, she went to the storage unit and removed a metal container. Taking another vessel, she poured water from it into the first, and tipped the resulting reconstituted raw meat on a large plate she placed on the floor. Shifter stuck his nose in it and gulped it down in several mouthfuls, without pausing for breath, before drinking from the bowl of water she placed before him.

After a few minutes, Kerry reappeared, having replaced his ruined shirt. He regarded the chameleopard with an expression of curiosity on his face.

“Interesting animal. Where did you get him?”

“I found him on a small planet in the Andromeda system. He’d been bred for fighting. I don’t agree with keeping animals to kill each other, so I fought his owner for him. Fed properly and treated well he’s actually quite docile—unless he feels he has to protect me.”

Those cold eyes betrayed nothing, but he looked at her as if not sure whether to believe her.

“I suppose you’re hungry too. It’s only normal ship’s survival rations, but they’ll keep us going for a while.”

“Then that will have to do.”

Of all the ungrateful…She turned to the dispenser unit and, for a split second, dropped her guard. In the same instant, she felt an arm whip around her throat.

Cat Kincaid is obsessed with killing the man she believes is responsible for the torture and death of her sister, but when she eventually catches up with him, survival becomes a greater priority than revenge.

Kerry Marchant, haunted by memories, regret, and self-blame, shields himself from the pain of the past by committing himself totally to the starship, Destiny, of which he is part owner. However, the beautiful, red-haired woman who reminds him of his lost love, and who he suspects is working for a corrupt
regime, represents a possible threat not only to the ship, but to his heart.

Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?

Available from:
Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

All three books in the Destiny Trilogy can be found on my Amazon Author Page:

Please don't forget to visit the blogs below for more 'book hooks'.

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Delightful pets you have.....#Book Hook' from Beloved Enemy - #MFRWHooks

I'm posting another excerpt from the third book in the Destiny Trilogy, the award winning 'Beloved Enemy',  which will soon be joining the first two books Starquest and Children of the Mist as an audio book, as well as in eBook and paperback. Each book has a hero and heroine with there own 'happy ever after' but each story features some of the same characters and a link to 
the starship Destiny

EXCERPT (carries on a little further from last week's excerpt)

She waved her weapon in the direction of the rocks, where the firing had come from earlier, while bending to retrieve her supply pack and thermal blanket, still keeping her gaze fixed on him. “We need to make sure whoever was shooting at you and“We need to make sure whoever was shooting at you and your friends is really dead. Move, and remember I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

They reached the rock their adversaries had used as a shield. With her finger on the trigger button Cat swung round it, prepared to fire if anyone moved. Then she froze. The area was clear. Not the bodies she expected to find, no sign anyone had ever been there at all.

She looked at Kerry. “They were here. They can’t have just vanished.”

He shook his head. “Unless they can teleport—which has been proven to be impossible by mechanical means. It is just possible they may have psionic capabilities.”

“No point in worrying about them now. Seems they’ve gone, however they did it.” Cat gave a long low whistle and one of the nearby boulders morphed into the tawny form of Shifter.

“What the hell is that?” As if acting on instinct, Kerry reached for his gun and then swore softly when his fingers failed to close upon it. His gaze flicked toward her. He cursed again and stared pointedly at his
blaster thrust through her belt.

She ignored his stare and nodded toward the animal. “His name’s Shifter. He’s…well, I call him a chameleopard, and I’d kill anyone who tried to shoot him.”

Kerry favoured her with a cold look. “Delightful pets you have.”

Cat Kincaid is obsessed with killing the man she believes is responsible for the torture and death of her sister, but when she eventually catches up with him, survival becomes a greater priority than revenge.

Kerry Marchant, haunted by memories, regret, and self-blame, shields himself from the pain of the past by committing himself totally to the starship, Destiny, of which he is part owner. However, the beautiful, red-haired woman who reminds him of his lost love, and who he suspects is working for a corrupt regime, represents a possible threat not only to the ship, but to his heart.

Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?

Available from:
Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

All three books in the Destiny Trilogy can be found on my Amazon Author Page:

Please don't forget to visit the blogs below for more 'book hooks'.

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Just because I decided to save your hide.....#Book Hook' from Beloved Enemy - #MFRWHooks

This is my first foray into 'MFRW 'Book Hooks'
I'm thrilled that the third book in the Destiny Trilogy, the award winning 'Beloved Enemy', will soon be joining the first two books Starquest and Children of the Mist as an audio book, as well as eBook and paperback. Each book has a hero and heroine with there own 'happy ever after' but each story features some of the same characters and a link to the starship Destiny

Here's my 'bookhook' and an excerpt. I hope you enjoy it.
Cat may be a bit frosty at the moment, but she has her reasons, and when she eventually thaws, she shows a whole different side to her!

She gave him her best, withering look. "Fine, and just because I decided to save your hide, don't get any ideas. We don't have to like each other."

(And Happy Valentine's Day for tomorrow, to you too, Cat, LOL!)

Cat Kincaid is obsessed with killing the man she believes is responsible for the torture and death of her sister, but when she eventually catches up with him, survival becomes a greater priority than revenge.

Kerry Marchant, haunted by memories, regret, and self-blame, shields himself from the pain of the past by committing himself totally to the starship, Destiny, of which he is part owner. However, the beautiful, red-haired woman who reminds him of his lost love, and who he suspects is working for a corrupt regime, represents a possible threat not only to the ship, but to his heart.

Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?


"You landed that well," he said, scrutinising the vehicle.

"Not particularly. I actually crash-landed."

"I was being facetious."

"She took a battering in an electric storm as we came in. It only lasted few minutes, but it was bad enough to wreck the flight controls." Why did she need to explain anything to him anyway? 

"At least the bushes give some cover. I’ll put a force-shield up overnight, for protection, of course, I just didn’t want to drain her power sources." She touched a panel on the ship’s hull, and after a moment, a door slid silently open. Shifter leapt in immediately but Kerry stood back as she climbed into the airlock.

She turned with her gun still trained on him. ‘Are you coming? Or would you prefer to take your chances out there all night?’

He shrugged and followed her inside. They waited in the eerie blue light until the inner hatch opened.

She walked across to the control panel at the front and made a few adjustments. "It’s not much, but it’s likely to be home for a while until I find a way off this planet. There’s not enough left in the fuel cells to get away in this, even if I could repair the damage."

He looked around, his face expressionless.

She frowned at his perusal. The furnishings of the small interior were necessarily sparse. A pilot seat and passenger seat to the front, and, at the rear of the vessel, a small living and storage area, complete with a combined table and bunk unit. If he didn’t like it, that was too bad. He could always go back outside and sleep rough if he preferred.

"I dare say it will suffice," he said at length.

"Well thank you. I’m so glad it meets with your approval."

His expression remained impassive. It seemed her cynicism was lost on him. "It would be useful to have a name to call you."

"Katrina. Katrina — Kincaid. I prefer to be called Cat."

Again that stunning smile spread over his face and she noticed how his eyes seemed even bluer above the even, white teeth. Damn, there was something about him. She almost regretted she’d have to kill him eventually.

Available from:
Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

All three books in the Destiny Trilogy can be found on my Amazon Author Page:

Please don't forget to visit the blogs below for more 'book hooks'.

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share! I also promise that I never have and never will share your information or email address with anyone or any organisation.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Weekend Writing Warriors #SundaySnippet - A Wedding scene!

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to read and write! We've got a variety of genres and talented writers just waiting for you to come sample their work.

Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed below:

If you'd to share your own 8-10 sentence snippet, whether published or not, follow the link and sign up. It's a great community to be a part of! 

You may be aware that the UK is rejoicing in wedding fever today, (Saturday)  😁 so I'm sorry, I know I promised you another snippet from Dancing With Fate but I couldn't resist posting a wedding snippet. As it happens, there isn't actually a wedding scene in Dancing With Fate so I hope you'll excuse me for going back to my  Trilogy and 'Children Of The Mist'

(Very slightly edited from published version )

I wish this moment could last forever. We will remember today always. I couldn't imagine a better way to start our life together than here, among all our friends and family. 

He could not stop looking at his bride. Tonight she looked more beautiful than ever. Her hair, free from restraint and gleaming in the light from the lanterns, cascaded like liquid obsidian to her ankles. Tiny silver-white flowers woven into the silky tresses looked, he thought whimsically, like miniature stars against the blackness. Her ivory velvet robe sparkled with thousands of diamond-like crystals, and clung to the curves of her figure. It caressed her slender waist before flaring out into a full skirt sweeping around her feet. He had never seen anything so lovely. 

Two minds united against a common foe. Two hearts afraid to show their love:Long ago Tamarith fell in love with a man she can never have, and is convinced she will never love another. However, she cannot help but be intrigued by a handsome stranger whose psychic powers exceed even her own.

Vidarh seeks only to find his true purpose in life and to win the regard of his father, who eschews his son’s psychic abilities. Thrown together by a common threat to their planet, then torn apart by an evil greater than any they could have imagined, can Vidarh save the lovely Nifl woman who has captivated him, before it is too late?

Will Tamarith and Vidarh overcome the deadly enemy who threatens to destroy all they know and love? Will they find the happiness they both seek? Or are they fated to live their lives alone?

Stop Press - Children of the Mist is going to audio! I'll let you know more when I know myself.

Purchase all three books (or just one, they stand alone, while sharing some of the same characters)  at

I hope you enjoyed the wedding on TV if  you watched it, and wishing Harry and Meghan all the very best for their future happiness.

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share!

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Interview with Bonnie Phelps.

It's Cat's turn to be interviewed this week - she's at Bonnie Phelp's Blog -
Please pop in and say hello if you get a moment.

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share!

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Weekend Writing Warriors - #SundaySnippet - Beloved Enemy, The Destiny Trilogy Book 3 ... The charge still held but it would not be long before it ran down

Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed below:

If you'd to share your own 8-10 sentence snippet, whether published or not, follow the link and sign up. It's a great community to be a part of! 

Here's the next snippet from the third book in the Destiny Trilogy. Thanks so much to everyone who has been following this series, and stayed with me xx

You can read the previous snippet of  Beloved Enemy HERE  (This excerpt is a few sentences later.)

The story so far - Cat Kincaid has crashlanded on an unknown and seemingly hostile planet, apparently in the middle of a gun battle in the not-too-far distance.  One man appears to be fighting the assailants alone, the other, and their wounded companion having disappeared under cover of the smoke capsule Cat activated.


He checked his blaster. The charge still held but it would not be long before it ran down.He allowed another couple of minutes to elapse before risking a look. The smoke still hung in the air, although it seemed to be clearing a little. Apart  from several bodies, the landscape seemed deserted. With all the caution he could muster, finger on the trigger button, he crept from around the rock. He froze.
Sensing movement in the boulders opposite, he dived back again. Just as he reached the shelter of the rock, the ground seemed to explode around him. A piercing pain shot through his shoulder and he knew no more

Cat Kincaid is obsessed with killing the man she believes is responsible for the torture and death of her sister, but when she eventually catches up with him, survival becomes a greater priority than revenge.

Kerry Marchant, haunted by memories, regret, and self-blame, shields himself from the pain of the past by committing himself totally to the starship, Destiny, of which he is part owner. However, the beautiful, red-haired woman who reminds him of his lost love, and who he suspects is working for a corrupt regime, represents a possible threat not only to the ship, but to his heart.

Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?

Purchase all three books (or just one, they stand alone, while sharing some of the same characters)  

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share!

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Weekend Writing Warriors - #SundaySnippet - Beloved Enemy, The Destiny Trilogy Book 3 ... What are they waiting for?

Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed below:

If you'd to share your own 8-10 sentence snippet, whether published or not, follow the link and sign up. It's a great community to be a part of! 

Here's the next snippet from the third book in the Destiny Trilogy. Thanks so much to everyone who has been following this series, and stayed with me xx

You can read the previous snippet of  Beloved Enemy HERE
(The story so far - Cat Kincaid has crashlanded on an unknown and seemingly hostile planet, apparently in the middle of a gun battle in the not-too-far distance. Cat decides to even the odds a little and fires a smoke capsule.

Kerry Marchant persuades his friend and commander, John Quinlan to take their wounded comrade back to their starship, so her wound can be treated.


The commander slung the woman’s unconscious form over his shoulder and bending low beneath the smoke, edged his way back the way they’d come, keeping close to the tree-line. Kerry kept their attackers busy with a volley of well-aimed blaster fire.

How many of them are there? He must be hopelessly outnumbered, but he might as well be killed here as on some other planet. If only he could keep them busy long enough for Jon to get Zeldra safely to the Destiny’s ferry craft. He ducked behind the boulder as another volley of blaster fire singed the surrounding undergrowth. He fired once more and heard a strangled scream as another of his assailants went down; a long silence ensued. What are they waiting for?

Cat Kincaid is obsessed with killing the man she believes is responsible for the torture and death of her sister, but when she eventually catches up with him, survival becomes a greater priority than revenge.

Kerry Marchant, haunted by memories, regret, and self-blame, shields himself from the pain of the past by committing himself totally to the starship, Destiny, of which he is part owner. However, the beautiful, red-haired woman who reminds him of his lost love, and who he suspects is working for a corrupt regime, represents a possible threat not only to the ship, but to his heart.

Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?

Purchase all three books (or just one, they stand alone, while sharing some of the same characters)  

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share!

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Weekend Writing Warriors - #SundaySnippet - Beloved Enemy, The Destiny Trilogy Book 3 ... Where did that damned smoke come from?

Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed below:

If you'd to share your own 8-10 sentence snippet, whether published or not, follow the link and sign up. It's a great community to be a part of! 

Here's the next snippet from the third book in the Destiny Trilogy. Thanks so much to everyone who has been following this series, and stayed with me xx

You can read the previous snippet of  Beloved Enemy HERE
(The story so far - Cat Kincaid has crashlanded on an unknown and seemingly hostile planet, apparently in the middle of a gun battle in the not-too-far distance. Cat decides to even the odds a little and fires a smoke capsule, as it clears, she realises there is only one person now, fighting alone. (This snippet is from the hero's p.o.v. )                         

(some very creative punctuation and slight rewording from published version to comply with sentence count

Where did that damned smoke come from -- Kerry Marchant wiped his streaming eyes and tried to focus on the area where he last saw his attackers.

There was another question—the identity of the third party who seemed to be siding with them against their assailants; he turned back to glance at Jon Quinlan, the main concern, at the moment, was Zeldra. “How is she,” he asked, indicating the unconscious woman.

The other man looked up from his ministrations, coughing and trying to waft some of the choking smoke away with his hand.  “Not good, I’ve used my bioregenerator and it’s repaired some of the damage but we need to get her back to the Destiny.”

“Then take her, at least this smoke will give you some cover, I’ll hold them off here for as long as I can.”

“What? And leave you here to fight them alone?”

“I can handle it, come back for me.”

“I don’t like the thought of leaving you down here—”

“Have you a better idea -- we can’t both go, we would just be sitting targets  if this smoke clears; I can cover you, but as the Destiny’s commander, you need to be with the ship."

Cat Kincaid is obsessed with killing the man she believes is responsible for the torture and death of her sister, but when she eventually catches up with him, survival becomes a greater priority than revenge.

Kerry Marchant, haunted by memories, regret, and self-blame, shields himself from the pain of the past by committing himself totally to the starship, Destiny, of which he is part owner. However, the beautiful, red-haired woman who reminds him of his lost love, and who he suspects is working for a corrupt regime, represents a possible threat not only to the ship, but to his heart.

Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?

Purchase all three books (or just one, they stand alone, while sharing some of the same characters)  

For insider news and subscriber-only info, subscribe to my occasional Newsletter. I promise not to spam and your in-box will only see an email from me every 3 or 4 months or so - unless of course I have something really Newsworthy to share!

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Weekend Writing Warriors - #SundaySnippet - Beloved Enemy, The Destiny Trilogy Book 3 - Things heat up!

Writers share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet on Sunday each week. Be sure to visit the other writers - they're listed below:

If you'd to share your own 8-10 sentence snippet, whether published or not, follow the link and sign up. It's a great community to be a part of! 

Here's the next snippet from the third book in the Destiny Trilogy. Thanks so much to everyone who has been following this series, and stayed with me xx

I clean forgot to register for last week's 'Snippets'. apologies, but I remembered this week! You can read the previous snippet of  Beloved Enemy HERE
(The story so far - Cat Kincaid has crashlanded on an unknown and seemingly hostile planet, apparently in the middle of a gun battle in the not-too-far distance. Cat, being Cat has to get involved.  This excerpt takes place several paragraphs after the previous snippet, after several salvos have been fired on both sides.
(some creative punctuation to comply with sentence count

She rolled to the side as far as she could, at the same time, letting loose a few more bolts from her pistol. After several seconds, she risked a peek below her. One of the three, a dark haired man dressed in black, seemed to be holding his own and covering his two companions, a second man, blond haired and of slender build, knelt beside the motionless form of their fallen comrade. 

She made an adjustment to her weapon and flicked a control; at this rate, they could go on taking pot shots at the unknown enemy until they all died of starvation, she could at least shorten the odds a little.

Another crack of blaster fire caused her to duck for cover again. The salvo lasted for what seemed an interminable time. When the firing ceased, she risked another look - there was no sign of the other man or his wounded companion. 
The man in black crouched behind a rock. Where’s the other one? Did he leave his friend to fend off the attackers by himself? 

Cat Kincaid is obsessed with killing the man she believes is responsible for the torture and death of her sister, but when she eventually catches up with him, survival becomes a greater priority than revenge.

Kerry Marchant, haunted by memories, regret, and self-blame, shields himself from the pain of the past by committing himself totally to the starship, Destiny, of which he is part owner. However, the beautiful, red-haired woman who reminds him of his lost love, and who he suspects is working for a corrupt regime, represents a possible threat not only to the ship, but to his heart.

Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?

Purchase all three books (or just one, they stand alone, while sharing some of the same characters)  

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