Hi folks, I'm continuing snippets from the draft of my current 'work in progress' a fantasy novel 'The Matchmaker's Mare' which takes place in Wales. The story is told from three p.o.vs. and two time-lines. Today's excerpt is again in Glyn's P.O.V.
(This is only a rough draft to give the gist of the novel, and is subject to change and edits - and improvement on the wonky punctuation neede to adhere to the ten sentence rule!)
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Megan parked up and walked across the yard, just in time to see the pony’s wild display of temperament, and cringed inwardly, wondering why anyone would voluntarily work with such dangerous animals.
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Megan parked up and walked across the yard, just in time to see the pony’s wild display of temperament, and cringed inwardly, wondering why anyone would voluntarily work with such dangerous animals.
A dark-haired man who looked to be in his early thirties, leaned over the gate of the schooling paddock. He turned his head toward her as she approached, and smiled, and she took in twinkling brown eyes like liquid brown chocolate, under a shock of dark, wavy hair and a tanned, good looking face. That was something of an understatement - the man was gorgeous!
“Mr Phillips? I’m from the vet’s. I was just passing, so I thought I’d drop this prescription in for you, save you having to pick it up in the morning,” she said, trying to draw her attention away from those eyes, and handing him the package.
He tucked it into his pocket and took the hand she proffered, in a firm handshake. “That’s very kind of you, thank you, my old dog will be grateful if this helps ease his arthritis.” He straightened up and looked back toward the schooling ring. “Excuse me just one moment, I just need to make sure Evan’s all right.”
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