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Beloved Enemy joined Starquest and Children of the Mist to continue the Destiny Trilogy and I'm thrilled to announce was shortlisted for the R.N.A. RoNA Awards 2017, awarded 2nd Runner up in the RONE Awards 2017 and was the winner in the SF/Fantasy category of the 'Best Banter Contest'.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Death Sentence by Sheryl Browne - blog tour and Giveaway

Congratulations to fellow Brit author, the very talented Sheryl Brown, on her latest release


Thriller/Psychological thriller/Crime thriller
Release Date: 1st June 2015
Reviewed by a top Amazon Reviewer at Best Selling Thrillers and given a glowing FIVE Stars, Sheryl Browne’s new thriller Death Sentence is now available on Amazon! “This was such an excellent read. I found myself having to force myself to breathe. Well done Sheryl! Once again you’ve produced a book with such an array of plots and yet showing that love is still possible throughout tragedy and conflict”. – Treebeard 
*The title of the book, DEATH SENTENCE, was suggested by a chief constable who also offered the author guidance on forensics and police procedure.
Death Sentence - He's killed your child and kidnapped your wife. What would YOU do?
Detective Inspector Matthew Adams and Patrick Sullivan, drug dealer, pimp, murderer: two men on opposite sides of the law. A history that goes way back. A bully even in his youth, Sullivan had made it his mission in life to make the goody-two-shoes copper's life a misery. Now Matthew has made it his mission in life to make sure the pimping scum responsible for prostituting young girls, abusing them, and beating them to death, is locked up for life.
When Matthew's child becomes a casualty of the war between them, does Matthew want justice? Or does he want retribution? When Patrick's brother is shot down like a dog in a drug bust gone wrong, Patrick wants payback. He wants Matthew. Or the copper loses his pretty, pregnant wife. As far as Patrick is concerned, it's quid pro quo.
An edge-of-your seat story of revenge.


About Sheryl Browne
Heartache, humour, love, loss, betrayal - and a little Ohhhh la la! Sheryl Browne brings you edgy, sexy, thrilling fiction. A member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and shortlisted for Innovation in Romantic Fiction, Sheryl has recently completed her MA in Creative Writing. She has seven books published and two short stories in Birmingham City University Anthologies. A further short, written to script, was performed live at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. Sheryl was recently signed by Choc Lit, who acquired a contemporary romance novel recommended by the WH Smith Travel fiction buyer. When she’s not writing, Sheryl can be found doing strange things like skydiving from 20,000 feet or abseiling down buildings, which possibly makes her a little bit mad.

Author Links
1st Prize - ecopy Death Sentence
2nd Prize - ecopy Warrant for Love
3rd Prize -  ecopy Edge of Sanity
4th Prize - ecopy Recipes for Disaster



  1. Awww, thank you so much, Lyn, for featuring me on your fab site! What a lovely thing to do. :) xx

  2. You're so welcome Sheryl, wishing you much success with 'Death Sentence' it sounds fab! :)

  3. I would love to win as it looks a great read!

  4. Hi Pat, thanks for stopping by - it does look great doesn't it!

  5. What would I do? The mind boggles. Looking forward to finding out.

  6. Hi Mary, thanks for stopping by. The mind boggles indeed! Doesn't this look like a gripping story!


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