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Beloved Enemy joined Starquest and Children of the Mist to continue the Destiny Trilogy and I'm thrilled to announce was shortlisted for the R.N.A. RoNA Awards 2017, awarded 2nd Runner up in the RONE Awards 2017 and was the winner in the SF/Fantasy category of the 'Best Banter Contest'.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

House at Homecoming Cove - Giveaway, spotlight and interview

The House - Banner


TITLE – The House at Homecoming Cove SERIES – Romantic Ghost Stories by Ginny Baird AUTHOR – Ginny Baird GENRE – Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Sweet Romance PUBLICATION DATE – 10-15-15 LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 60K PUBLISHER – Winter Wedding Press COVER ARTIST – Dar Albert

The House At Homecoming Cove - Covere 


From New York Times Bestselling Author GINNY BAIRD A breathtaking romantic mystery set at the Virginia Eastern Shore...
Seeking out solitude in which to work, New York City music composer Melissa Carter rents a century-old farmhouse on the Virginia Eastern Shore. There, she meets a loner with rugged good looks and smoldering gray eyes, who has long-term ties to the property. When strange things start occurring at the historic home, the handsome groundskeeper comes to her aid, but is Melissa really safer in his arms?
When Stone Thomas meets a pretty northerner with a musical gift, he's immediately drawn to her. He's also determined to protect her from the increasingly odd happenings at the fifty-acre farm where he's employed. Soon, Stone finds himself wondering whether he and beautiful Melissa might share a future. Yet the secrets of Homecoming Cove threaten to drive them apart.
Praise for Ginny Baird Paranormal Ghost Romance

The Ghost Next Door (A Love Story)
"A fine suspense and you just won't believe how it ends." ~ Barbara Baker
"The twist at the end took me by surprise! Great job to the author!" ~ Melinda Burchett
"!! I did not see that coming." ~ Mary Ann
"This is a mind bender! Very well done!" ~ Sandra D. Griffin

The Light at the End of the Road
"A gripping tale with a hint of paranormal." ~ Dawn Pearson
"New, refreshing twists and turns." ~ Anna Gibson
"Ms. Baird has again exceeded any expectations." ~ Dianna Plano
"Wow. I mean, WOW. This is not your normal romance..." ~ Anita Slaugh

The House - Pre Order Banner 


The House - Trilogy Banner


Her words came out in a whisper. “Thank you for everything. For coming to my rescue, for…” She was saying goodbye, yet her chin tilted toward his and she took a step closer, her lips barely parted, inviting. She peered up at him and met his gaze with a look that was surprisingly heated, decidedly predatory. There was no mistaking it. Melissa wanted him too. That was all the encouragement Stone needed to take her in his arms and bring his mouth down on hers with a hungry desire that surpassed all expectations.
Melissa gasped with delight and sighed into his kiss. Stone’s empty mug slid from her grasp and landed somewhere on the sofa. Stone pressed his eager body to hers and ran his hands up her back, threading his fingers through her hair. She was glorious, beautiful, her gaze sparking with reciprocal passion. Stone groaned and kissed her again, savoring the taste of her, delighting in the sweetness of her body molded to his, as his blood pumped harder and his heart beat like a kettledrum gone out of control. It was more than a kiss; it was like coming home.
“Stone,” she said breathlessly. He opened his eyes to find his cheeks nestled between her palms.
She looked up at him her face flushed with longing. “I think you’d better go.”
“Yeah,” he said, his pulse pounding. “I’d better go.”
Thunder boomed and rain slapped the windowpanes, while the fire hissed and moaned.
Neither one moved.
“Melissa,” Stone whispered, brushing his lips over hers. “You and me… It’s like… I don’t know.”
“I know,” she replied, meeting his kiss. “I feel it too.”

I invited Ginny to the Flightdeck for an interview.  Welcome Ginny, make yourself at home and help yourself to something sparkling.  Then perhaps you could tell us a little more about yourself , with three things not many people know about you. 

GB:  I started out writing spy thrillers under a different name, I worked in El Salvador during its      Civil War in the 1980s, and I rode a horse bareback on a black beach while gunfire sounded in the background. Pretty exciting stuff! It’s a good thing I was young then, and tough enough to take it…lol.

HL:   Wow, that  all sounds very exciting!  I've ridden horses bareback on the beach, but not under those circumstances! What do you do for fun when not writing? 

GB:  My husband and I love going to the movies together. We have a really great deal in a theater in our town where every movie (including new releases) is $5.00 on Tuesdays. Really hard to resist! The last film we saw was the new Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise, a total, edge-of-your-seat action-thriller.

HL:   When did you start writing?

At age six. I wrote a very bad poem which I still remember today.
I saw a ship a-sailing
Upon the deep blue sea
I saw a ship a-sailing
And the ship saw me
I saw a ship a-sailing
It went around a bin
And when I turned around to look
The ship had sunken in!

As you can see, I had a very early sense of the dramatic. Don’t ask me what a “bin” was…lol. At least I understood certain words needed to rhyme. J

HL:   What comes first: the plot or the characters?

GB: The plot comes first with me and it’s usually posed as a series of questions. What if a single woman rented an isolated house on the Virginia Eastern shore, and what if it turned out this house was haunted? Would the hero involved be someone she could trust, or a person who might lead her into greater danger? These are the things I was thinking about when I developed the concept for The House at Homecoming Cove. The fact that I’d stayed in a similar house a few years ago led to the inspiration. Although that place wasn’t haunted—at least not that I know of!

     HL:   Tell us about your latest release and what you think readers will enjoy about it.
GB: The House at Homecoming Cove is a fun romance, because it’s a little bit spooky but not really scary in a frightening manner. It follows in the vein of the first two books in my Romantic Ghost Stories series in that certain scenes might cause goosebumps, but in the end—when the mystery is solved—everything ties together in a happily-ever-after way. The story also contains a truly wonderful hero. Stone Thomas is strong, smart and sexy, but he’s also caring and principled—and he ultimately proves this in his relationship with Melissa. No wonder she falls head over heels for him!

 HL:  Mmmm, he sounds amazing.  Now, what is your personal definition of success?

GB: My definition of success is having the feeling that I’ve done the best I could do at the end of the day. It’s wonderful to reach goals, but sometimes not all goals are attainable because not all circumstances in our lives are within our control. I’m a firm believer in giving an “A” for effort (both to myself and others). I think people can judge themselves too harshly at times. This is especially true of writers. As long as you’re working hard and doing your best in a situation, and dealing with others with kindness and compassion, then you’re a success in my book. A very admirable one!

 HL:  And finally, where can readers connect with you?

GB: I love hearing from readers and welcome email at Readers can also find me online at the following venues:


Purchase Links

Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog, it’s been a thrill having you here and learning more about you and your writing. I wish you much success now and in the future.

GB: Thank you for having me here, and for your very kind words. It’s been an honor being your guest!



From New York Times Bestselling Author GINNY BAIRD
A breathtaking romantic mystery set at the Virginia Eastern Shore...

Seeking out solitude in which to work, New York City music composer Melissa Carter rents a century-old farmhouse on the Virginia Eastern Shore. There, she meets a loner with rugged good looks and smoldering gray eyes, who has long-term ties to the property. When strange things start occurring at the historic home, the handsome groundskeeper comes to her aid, but is Melissa really safer in his arms?

When Stone Thomas meets a pretty northerner with a musical gift, he's immediately drawn to her. He's also determined to protect her from the increasingly odd happenings at the fifty-acre farm where he's employed. Soon, Stone finds himself wondering whether he and beautiful Melissa might share a future. Yet the secrets of Homecoming Cove threaten to drive them apart.

Praise for Ginny Baird Paranormal Ghost Romance
The Ghost Next Door (A Love Story)
"A fine suspense and you just won't believe how it ends." ~ Barbara Baker
"The twist at the end took me by surprise! Great job to the author!" ~ Melinda Burchett
"!! I did not see that coming." ~ Mary Ann
"This is a mind bender! Very well done!" ~ Sandra D. Griffin

The Light at the End of the Road
"A gripping tale with a hint of paranormal." ~ Dawn Pearson
"New, refreshing twists and turns." ~ Anna Gibson
"Ms. Baird has again exceeded any expectations." ~ Dianna Plano
"Wow. I mean, WOW. This is not your normal romance..." ~ Anita Slaugh


Her words came out in a whisper. “Thank you for everything. For coming to my rescue, for…” She was saying goodbye, yet her chin tilted toward his and she took a step closer, her lips barely parted, inviting. She peered up at him and met his gaze with a look that was surprisingly heated, decidedly predatory. There was no mistaking it. Melissa wanted him too. That was all the encouragement Stone needed to take her in his arms and bring his mouth down on hers with a hungry desire that surpassed all expectations.

Melissa gasped with delight and sighed into his kiss. Stone’s empty mug slid from her grasp and landed somewhere on the sofa. Stone pressed his eager body to hers and ran his hands up her back, threading his fingers through her hair. She was glorious, beautiful, her gaze sparking with reciprocal passion. Stone groaned and kissed her again, savoring the taste of her, delighting in the sweetness of her body molded to his, as his blood pumped harder and his heart beat like a kettledrum gone out of control. It was more than a kiss; it was like coming home.

“Stone,” she said breathlessly. He opened his eyes to find his cheeks nestled between her palms.

She looked up at him her face flushed with longing. “I think you’d better go.”

“Yeah,” he said, his pulse pounding. “I’d better go.”

Thunder boomed and rain slapped the windowpanes, while the fire hissed and moaned.

Neither one moved.

“Melissa,” Stone whispered, brushing his lips over hers. “You and me… It’s like… I don’t know.”

“I know,” she replied, meeting his kiss. “I feel it too.”
Author Photo - Ginny BairdNEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling Author Ginny Baird has published novels in print and online and received screenplay options from Hollywood for her family and romantic comedy scripts. She writes heartwarming contemporary romance about single women facing everyday challenges. Known for featuring holidays and family themes in her work, Ginny frequently portrays the struggles of single parents or others who've given up on finding true love.
Ginny has two novella series, The Holiday Brides Series (holiday romance) and The Summer Grooms Series (summer romance), a Romantic Ghost Stories series (paranormal ghost romance), and additional single titles available. She is a NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling Author, a Top 10 Best Seller on Kindle, NOOK and iBooks, and a #1 Best Seller in several Romance and Women's Fiction categories. Visit Ginny's website to learn more about her and her books.



Five (5) $10 Amazon Gift Cards (5 prizes, $10 each)

This tour was hosted and organized by


  1. Thank you for the wonderful interview and for participating in the Tour. Victoria at My Family's Heart

  2. Your very welcome, and good luck for House at Homecoming Cove, Ginny, it sounds like a wonderful read!

  3. Thanks so much for your kind words, Hywela Lyn, as well as for having me on your blog! Those were some great interview questions. You really got me thinking. :)

  4. Thanks Ginny - it's a pleasure to host you Ginny, and Your answers were great - and very original! Hope you have a very successful tour!

    1. Thank you! Best wishes to you with this wonderful blog!

  5. Pretty book cover. Loved the interview and excerpt.
    Sue B

  6. Hi Sue, yes, it is a lovely cover isn't it. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.


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