I had a busy and exciting weekend! First of all I took part in a panel with three other authors at our local literary festival -
The discussion was entitled ‘What’s in a Genre?’ and was a lively debate about Women's Fiction (i.e. 'Romance') with Jean Fullerton, Christina Jones, with moderator Rowan Coleman leading the discussion and keeping us all in order. It was very well attended and we had some interesting questions from the floor. There were many events going on throughout the day, and it was a great day out for readers and writers alike. I even sold some books!

Then as soon as it was over, my hubby and I were off to an evening party for our next door neighbours wedding. The location was a local farm and we had a fantastic time. It was a beautiful, sunny evening and we all sat outside on bales of straw, munching on the hog roast, pizza, chocolate cake and icecream! There was dancing and music in the barn, which was all decked out in fairy lights
(Sorry the pictures are a bit blurry, not sure why, but all in all it was a great evening!
Next weekend should be exciting too, as I'm off to the Romance Novelists Association Conference in Shropshire. Really looking forward to it!
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