Fun, Prizes, and Special Guests.
What is this party about, you ask? It's to get the word out about a fantastic talented voice actor #OwenMcCuen who narrates the #audiobook #AhoyGumDrop!Ask questions about the book, ask questions to Owen, get to know him (he also does 'serious' books - he's extremely versatile). Several authors will be on board to chat up their own books and to --of course!-- inform the world about that #officialunofficial cyberspace reporter, #IBNosey. There will be plenty of fun, prizes, and general ruckus galore, with one very special #GRAND prize. What will that be? Well, attend the party and find out! You knew there was a catch, didn't you? Heh heh.
Here's a teaser. Grab a listen:
Event is for two days, Oct. 7 and 8, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST on both days. Visit with I.B. Nosey, voice actor, Owen McCuen, and various sweet authors. It's a very "official unofficial" Nosey shindig!