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feel free to explore the Flight Deck and check out my books and website.
Then fasten your seatbelts, sip a glass of something sparkling and let's chat awhile!
I hope you'll stop by again for guest authors and spotlights from time to time.

Beloved Enemy joined Starquest and Children of the Mist to continue the Destiny Trilogy and I'm thrilled to announce was shortlisted for the R.N.A. RoNA Awards 2017, awarded 2nd Runner up in the RONE Awards 2017 and was the winner in the SF/Fantasy category of the 'Best Banter Contest'.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Musings on the Romance Festival Weekend (Harper Collins)
Hi everyone!

I'm doing my 'Monday Musings' a little early.  Over the weekend I took part in the Harper Collins Romance Festival.  (Well by 'taking part' I was featured as an author, and you can see my page by clicking on the banner above.

There have been loads of good things going on over the weekend. I've been popping in and out and found some of the articles on the blogs particularly interesting.  (*Sigh* 'all behind like a horse's tail, me!)  It might have been an idea to have posted this before, in case you didn't know about it, but as I may have mentioned, I'm kneedeep in NaNo, and I apologise for only just getting round to doing this.

So I'm going to plug away at my fifty thousand words (around seventeen thousand more to go at the moment.)

Look out for my guest 'book blast and giveaway for 'Future Winds' by Kevin Laymon on Wednesday.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Monday's Musings

In memory of those murdered in France over the weekend
I can't write today without reference to the terrible events in Paris last Friday night. My heart goes out to the relatives of the innocent people who lost their lives, to those wounded, and those who will remain traumatized by what happened there for years to come. I have been humbled and heartened by what I have seen and heard from the survivors, on the various TV and radio broadcasts. They will not allow this  evil act of terrorism to subdue them, the terrorists will not be allowed to win. They won't hide away but will show solidarity and defiance, and the spirit that lives in their beautiful city will rise from the aftermath of this despicable crime like a Phoenix from the ashes.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, people of Paris.

On a lighter note, I am still a couple of thousand words behind in my novel for NaNo but I'm hoping to catch up this week now I know where the story is going!  If you are also doing National Novel Writing Month, feel free to add me as a 'buddy' I'm WelshDragonLady

Have I any hints for NaNo?  Yes, just one. (or maybe two) Keep writing - and make sure that pesky 'inner editor' is kept locked up out of harm's way.  She can always be released when November is over and the novel is finished, and you can set her to work making sense of the jumble that is the first draft.  The priority for NaNo is just GET THOSE WORDS WRITTEN

So I'd better take my own advice and get back to work!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Monday Musings

I can't believe it's well into November and Christmas is only about six weeks away! Where has the year gone! I'm going to bake our Christmas cake today as soon as I finish this.
I love my fellow authors and really enjoy promoting  them on my blog - but I think it's time I started sharing some of myself with you again, so I'm going to try to keep Mondays to chat with you about this and that - and perhaps post up the odd Welsh legend again.

It's been quite an eventful and busy year.  I had the third novel in what has become the Destiny trilogy accepted by the Wild Rose Press and have been busy with edits with my very patient editor, Frances Sevilla, and was thrilled with my lovely cover by the talented Rae Monet, who gave me exactly what I asked for - only better! Hopefully I'll have the release date soon and will be giving a few short 'teasers' here and on my Facebook 'Street Team', where I'll be posting all the news about 'Beloved Enemy' first.  If you'd like to join, just pop along to  I'll be thrilled to have you on board.

I've also been busy with our new 'rescue' Choccy.  He was pretty hyper when we first had him, as he'd spent most of his life shut up in a box room, and never being taken out for walks or played with until he went to the Blue Cross, who, along with other rescue centres in this country do such sterling work for abandoned, abused and neglected or unwanted animals.  Never having been 'socialised' as a puppy, he tended to bark and spin like a loony when meeting other dogs. I'm glad to say he's a lot calmer now, and doesn't bark so much when we meet
dogs when out and about. We had a few sessions with a
local dog trainer, which we enjoyed very much, and I think that helped a lot.  It was his third birthday yesterday, and he had a good time, with two different types of ball (he loves chasing balls), a nice marrow-bone to chew on and a special chicken dinner. He had a great time and is sleeping it off today, lying behind me on my chair as I type.

I'm doing National Novel Writing Month again  this year,  and am writing a ghost story.  It's completely different to the Destiny series and is very horsey, we'll see how it goes.  I'm actually behind on my word count so I'd better finish this post and get back to it - as soon as I've made my Christmas Cake.

Have a great week!