So exciting!

If you haven't read the first book in my trilogy - now's your chance to pick it up at a bargain price. Yes it's just 99c for the length of the tour, from either my publisher The Wild Rose Press or Amazon.com or 99p from Amazon UK. I haven't had it on 'sale' before so this is a unique opportunity - but hurry because it ends on 16th December! Although Starquest is the first book, it's complete and a 'standalone' as are the other two books - but they all feature some of the same characters, who all have their different adventures and dangers to face before finally getting their 'h.e.a.'
The Destiny Trilogy, Starquest Volume 1
When Jestine Darnell is rescued from her sabotaged starship by the crew of the Destiny her only objective is to complete her mission and keep her promise to save a world from slavery. Love is the last thing on her mind. However, she has not counted on losing her heart to Kerry Marchant the ship’s second in command, who makes his distrust of her painfully obvious, despite the chemistry between them. The completion of her mission has consequences that neither of them could have foreseen.
Enter Dahll Tarron, who becomes involved in a long and dangerous quest to find the Destiny. Fates become intertwined, perils shared, culminating in the realization that sometimes love may be so close that there is a danger it will not be recognized until it is too late…
(292 pages) Sensual
Kerry knelt beside Jess and groaned in anguish. There was nothing he could do to save her. His eyes misted as he lifted her into his arms. "It should have been me. That laser was meant for me--"
His voice faltered, and he shook his head to clear his vision. A smear of blood glistened on her lips ... a stain on perfection and evidence of his own negligence.
He should have prevented this. Somehow, he should have prevented it! He ran his fingers through the mass of flame-colored hair, golden highlights gleaming in the Phidian sunshine. He buried his face in its softness and held her close to his heart...
Follow the tour here:
Dec 2nd- Silver Dagger Scriptorium
Dec 5 – Mello & June
Dec 5 – VampyreLady's Lair
Dec 6 – CelticLady's Reviews
Dec 6- Bound 2 Escape
Dec 6th- Book Giveaways
Dec 7th- A Writer's Life
Dec 7th- TMBA Corbett Tries to Write
Dec 7th- Triquetra Reviews
Dec 8 – The Author's Blog
Dec 8th- Moonshine Art Spot
Dec 9th- Echo's Tales – Review Beloved Enemy
Dec 9th- Shelf Life
Dec 14– Teatime and Books
Dec 14th- Books Dreams Life
Dec 15- Writers and Authors
Dec 15th- The Reading Spot
Dec 16- Turning Another Page
Dec 16th- Jazzy Book Reviews
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