It's a pleasure to welcome fellow Wild Rose Press author Beth Trisel to then Flight Deck, today, Good morning, Beth and congratulations on your latest release.
I’m drawn to old
homes and have lived in them most of my life, also visited many. Old homes exude an
indefinable sense of place, and are never really empty. Perhaps the spirits of
those who once dwelt there come back and visit, or leave a part of themselves
behind. I don't know, but I like a good ghost story. An avid gardener, I have
sprawling beds filled with heirloom flowers and herbs. Some plants have been
here for ages and our farm-house was built in the 1870's. Lovely gardens and
herbs feature in the story so inhale deeply as you read.
Harrison Hall, the colonial era home in Somewhere My Lady, is
loosely based on Shirley Plantation, a magnificent 18th century home, built
along the James River in Virginia. In the story, this wonderful manor sized
house is a paranormal hot spot, concealing a deadly mystery Hart and Lorna must
‘Somewhere My Lady is a fun supernatural romance that will have you
slipping in and out of the past and future as if you were a spirit yourself.’’ ~Colleen’s Book Reviews
Story Blurb:
Lorna Randolph is hired for the summer at Harrison Hall in
Virginia, where Revolutionary-War re-enactors provide guided tours of the
elegant old home. She doesn't expect to receive a note and a kiss from the
handsome young man who then vanishes into mist.
Harrison Hall itself has plans for Lorna – and for Hart Harrison,
her momentary suitor and its 18th century heir. Past and present are bound
by pledges of love, and modern science melds with old skills and history as
Harrison Hall takes Lorna and Hart through time in a race to solve a mystery
and save Hart's life before the Midsummer Ball.~
Something about him
held her spellbound…the tilt of his head, arch of his brow, glimpse of his profile…
She followed his every move with the fixity of an owl.
He turned blue-gray eyes toward her
and sensuous lips curved into a smile on his handsome face. Hands down. No
contest. He was the hottest guy ever. Her heart beat a thrilling new rhythm.

Unlike the others in the ghostly
assembly, his eyes didn’t skirt past her. He paused in the dance. Bending at
the shoulders, he tipped his hand to her in a genteel flourish.
He’d freakin’ bowed. Her jaw dropped. He
most definitely saw her. And she sure as heck saw him.

How that could be, she had no idea,
but when he gazed into her eyes, time seemed to stop. She spiraled into
moonless stars, and back again to this dizzying realm. To him. Even if she were
dreaming, she’d never forget this moment.~
My Lady
is available from all major online booksellers. In Kindle at:
Married to my high school sweetheart, I live on a farm
in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia surrounded by my human family and
furbabies. An avid gardener, my love of herbs and heirloom plants figures into
my work. The rich history of Virginia, the Native
Americans, and the people who journeyed here from far beyond her borders are at the heart of my inspiration. I’m especially drawn to colonial America and the drama of the American Revolution. And I love a good ghost story. In addition to Young Adult and New Adult fantasy romance, I also write historical, time travel, and paranormal romance, plus nonfiction.
Author Links:
My Amazon Author Page where
all my books reside:
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