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She should have been long gone. I should leave now, while I still can.The effects of the smoke capsule she’d released would not last long, already the air was becoming clearer. She turned once more and trained her viewer back on the clump of rocks; the man in black lay motionless.
Leave him. Leave him and get out of here. If she was right and he and his companions were human, presumably they’d have some sort of transit ship, unless their starship was small enough for planetary landings. Either way, they’d surely come back for him. Then it dawned on her that if they returned, perhaps she could persuade—or force—them to take her with them. If he was alive, he’d serve as a bargaining chip.

Here's the next snippet from the third book in the Destiny Trilogy. Thanks so much to everyone who has been following this series, and stayed with me xx
(A little mutilation of punctuation to keep within the allowed sentence count.)
(A little mutilation of punctuation to keep within the allowed sentence count.)
You can read the previous snippet of Beloved Enemy HERE (This week's excerpt is a few sentences later.)
The story so far - Cat Kincaid has crashlanded on an unknown and seemingly hostile planet, apparently in the middle of a gun battle in the not-too-far distance. One man appears to be fighting the assailants alone, the other, and their wounded companion having disappeared under cover of the smoke capsule Cat activated. Now the lone fighter appears to have been hurt - or dead!
The story so far - Cat Kincaid has crashlanded on an unknown and seemingly hostile planet, apparently in the middle of a gun battle in the not-too-far distance. One man appears to be fighting the assailants alone, the other, and their wounded companion having disappeared under cover of the smoke capsule Cat activated. Now the lone fighter appears to have been hurt - or dead!
She should have been long gone. I should leave now, while I still can.The effects of the smoke capsule she’d released would not last long, already the air was becoming clearer. She turned once more and trained her viewer back on the clump of rocks; the man in black lay motionless.
Leave him. Leave him and get out of here. If she was right and he and his companions were human, presumably they’d have some sort of transit ship, unless their starship was small enough for planetary landings. Either way, they’d surely come back for him. Then it dawned on her that if they returned, perhaps she could persuade—or force—them to take her with them. If he was alive, he’d serve as a bargaining chip.
Marooned on an inhospitable planet, they need to work together to stay alive, fighting not only unknown assailants, but their growing attraction. But how can they learn to trust each other when he has vowed never to get close to a woman again, and she made a solemn pledge to destroy him?
Purchase all three books (or just one, they stand alone, while sharing some of the same characters)
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